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Posts posted by MagnumFreak25

  1. OMG Some of you people in the thread, I will never get. I don't understand how people are seriously complaining about color scheme and signs. Come on people, stop the useless complaining.


    Anyway... I'm excited for this announcement. To me, this is the year Cedar Point said, "Listen everyone, we get it. So you don't like Mantis all that much? We'll fix it. You say our Hotel is aging? We'll fix it!" I really have to hand it to Cedar Point this year. They're really taking great steps to improve their park. It's about quality, not quantity.


    Maybe they'll listen about Mean Streak next year!


    Anyway this is excactly what I wanted and I guess I'll have to get one last ride on Mantis.

  2. Am I the only one who noticed that they said the name of the new ride would be "King James" this time and not just naming a ride after him?


    Earlier this summer, the park sent out a now-famous tweet stating that it would rename one of its coasters “King James”


    Anyway, this announcement was a huge success for the park in my opinion. Just look how people are suddenly talking about the park!

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