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Posts posted by coasterchitchat

  1. I am just so sick of the petty arguments in this thread. It's gotten out of control. People quoting each other, taking comments out of context, trying to prove each other wrong... over what?






    Deal with it. Nobody is going to get more or less blow jobs based on how much you like or don't like a ride.


    I'm going to start banning the overly obnoxious posters because I just cannot stand the sheer amount of stupidity being shown in this thread. We are better than this. Please start acting like it.


    Thank you.




    This. It's a roller coaster. I'm glad to that there are a HUGE variety of coasters. Everyone has DIFFERENT opinions and we MUST respect each other's opinions. Different people and different opinions make this hobby fun.

  2. -Carowinds: Water Park Expansion (re-branding to Soak City) and Potential Conversion of Vortex (still keeping an open mind about that though I hope differently). If that conversion doesn't happen, I see something being added to the dry side too. Maybe a new flume or a flat ride of some sort.


    I saw somewhere that Carowinds is not going to make Vortex a floorless. They like it the way it is. Plus, the costs vs ROI wouldn't be worth it since it is a shorter stand-up vs Mantis.


    If it were me I'd drive to Kings Dominion, get a hotel (I recommend the Best Western as it's literally in the Kings Dominion parking lot), then when you leave get in the car and drive until you feel like stopping. Don't book a room... if you're tired from walking around all day and only want to drive an hour or 2 fine... if not drive as far as you want and then get a room. In the morning finish the drive and go to Carowinds. If you want to hit the parks in reverse order then feel free to reverse this.




    At the North Carolina Welcome Center, they have these hotel coupon books. Whenever you get tried, get off an exit and see if you find a hotel off that exit. Works every time for me.

  4. Verdict on this whole debate: Fury 325 > Millennium Force. Go ahead and hate me.


    Also, the park's baked pasta is the best park food I've ever had. I'm glad that Cedar Fair has begun placing an emphasis on food.


    EDIT: Also, I happened to see on Thunder Road a bunch of people marking stuff under Thunder Road and in the parking lot next to it. Let the rumors begin!

  5. Rode Fury 325 today for the first time. The ride is THE BEST B&M built. Smooth, forceful, and filled with airtime. It's a coaster that can be re-ridden several times with no issues, and still is interesting. Carowinds asked for a giga, and this is what they got. The GP and coaster enthusiasts will love it at the same time. The airtime almost forces you against the lap bar, and I like that fact. The length, speed, height, drop in Fury 325 is what I want in a coaster. Fury 325 is my #1 coaster.

  6. Tony was down at the Banshee Media Day last year working hard with many others from Cedar Point/Cedar Fair to help it run smoothly. Would not be the least bit surprised to see him working the Fury 325 Media Day.


    Not to derail this into the Carowinds thread, it seems like it will happen even though Fury's media day crowds are way less. Tony actually posted a photo today showing a TON (including Matt Outimet) of Cedar Fair management riding Fury 325.

  7. Someone decided to jump off a Carnival ship (actually, it's the one I was on in December). The Klassy Kruise helped.




    The U.S. Coast Guard is searching for a Virginia Tech student who apparently fell overboard a Carnival Cruise ship near the Bahamas.

    Carnival spokesman Vance Gulliksen said in a news statement that a 21-year-old male guest, whose name is being withheld, was reported missing from the Carnival Glory on Sunday morning. Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker said Tuesday night that the university was made aware of the search for the missing student.


    Gulliksen said a review of camera footage confirmed a man overboard.

    Authorities were notified, including the Coast Guard, which began search-and-rescue operations.

    Another cruise ship, Carnival Ecstasy, deviated course at the company’s direction and assisted in the search up until Monday evening in collaboration with the Coast Guard and other vessels in the vicinity of Great Abaco Island, Bahamas, Gulliksen said.

    Carnival Glory also returned to the location and participated for a period of time in the search, Gulliksen said. The ship is homeported in Miami and was on its first leg of a seven-day Caribbean cruise that departed Saturday.

    The company’s CareTeam is providing support to the guest’s traveling companions and family.

  8. I'm seriously going crazy when I think this is Fred Grubb from RMC.



    If this is legitimate, then I'm predicting either an RMC woodie or Iron Streak in 2016 or 2017.

    Well of course it's legitimate, I don't think they would get Jason McClure and a few other guys in suits to pose for a tweet during a busy offseason if nothing was actually happening. But what you didn't understand is that he said one gentleman in the tweet resembles Fred Grubb, but it is not.


    What I'm saying is I think it's Fred Grubb, but it's not. Does anyone know who it is?

  9. A friend of mine earned a master's degree and a PhD at Ohio University (he's originally from California, like me). When he was at OU, he kept hearing all the locals raving about White Castle. So he checked one out. The result led him to two possible conclusions:


    1. People in Ohio are insane.

    2. People in Ohio smoke weed 24/7.


    I think either explanation is plausible.


    I'm from Michigan and live in Michigan and everyone hates them. They've been slowly shutting down.

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