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Posts posted by aeyrolet

  1. There was a at the end of my post. Perhaps I should have stated that I was "merely acting" (said in my best Jon Lovitz voice)


    My gripe is that I don't understand the rush that the "small group of enthusiasts" have in order to get a scoop. I guess being a Bitter Old Hag, I come from an era where we didn't know what was new at the park until we saw it either on the news or actually in person. So while the park, which treats coaster enthusiasts very well with events such as Coaster Campout, Winter Chill Out, etc, has asked to please respect their privacy and not post any pics of Mean Streak online, there are those that brazenly flaut the rules and go against the parks wishes, just to grab some attention on their website that gets nowhere near the hits that TPR gets.


    Done venting... now get off my lawn (shakes fist at sky).

    Times unfortunately have changed. We live in a time with information is literally instantaneous. I've become inpatient myself. If I want to know the weather for this weekend I no longer have to wait for the paper to get delivered. I can look it up right from my phone. If a marker is seen inside of a park, we as coaster enthusiasts, want to know immediately if the park if building that much rumored Giga Coaster.


    I remember back in the day waiting to watch the Six o'clock news to find out what the latest coaster at Magic Mountain was going to be. Now a days I just log onto the interwebs and you guys tell me.

  2. Cedar Point needs to build a great wall around Mean Streak to prevent folks from taking ANY pictures of the ride. The wall would be yuge, and also tremendous.


    I really do hope CP screws with picture takers this summer by strategically blocking views of the ride. Like maybe close the CP & LE Railroad for the year, re-route the entrance to Maverick and close the midway used for Tombstone Terror-tory to any public access. You know, just to get under people's skin that are so completely obsessed over being "f!rst!!!" to post pictures of a ride the park politely asked fans not to post pictures of.


    You really live up to your name.

  3. Hi all, long time reader but don't post much!


    Does anyone know what's up with Titan? This is, I believe, the fourth day it's been closed. Additionally, they have that section of the park (picnic area and scrambler) closed off entirely with employees guarding the gates. Usually if it's closed, they only close off the actual line, so I was just curious as it seems odd... (I asked and was told "technical difficulties")

    They are having to replace a gear on the lift. It should be back up soon.

  4. What was SFOT thinking hiring a bunch of "dummies" this season. Man! These things are lazy!


    The queue has started to take shape. Water Dummies have also arrived on site which is a great sign of testing to begin soon. There is still a lot of work to be done on the site. Memorial Day Opening is looking promising.


    PC OverTexasThrills.com


    PC OverTexasThrills.com


    PC OverTexasThrills.com

  5. The park is doing a ton of painting and freshening up but all you can find to discuss is a T-shirt that a shop had? Give the parks some credit. This shirt isn't going to stop you from coming and waiting in line to ride The Texas Giant over and over again. This shirt is to bring in the Spring Break crowd which started yesterday. Take a deep breath, the park caters to other people besides yourself.








  6. Along with the pictures from the construction tour above, I also took some pictures of the new set up with the Galactic Attack VR experience. Some things to mention. The barcodes are gone and you no longer need to calibrate your headset. The headset now uses the phones camera so you can see out in front of you while sitting in the station. As soon as you get up 3/4 of the way up the lift, you enter a worm hoe and the whole VR takes over. It's really cool.








  7. SF isn't really building major large scale coasters anymore. I suppose they might decide to build a B&M Dive Machine at SFMM to counter the one at CP. But really, other than that, I can't see anything in the way of a large scale coaster being built anytime soon.


    Six Flags will eventually start building major, large scale coasters again. . . I mean, sooner or later they are going to run out of flat rides to install.

    You guys need to start understanding how the park's budget works. If they built a large multi million dollar rollercoaster that flipped you a million times over again and went a 1000 miles per hour, after the newness wore off you'd be complaining that the park "still looks old and outdated. This ride needs to be repainted, and the trash can over in the area of the park needs to be replaced." Six Flags has come up with a business plan to add something new to every park every year. Now whether you a agree with it it or not, doesn't matter, it's not your company. Whether it will pay off, time will tell.


    Parks are looking into cheaper, smaller footprint rollercoasters and attractions. Six Flags is one of the companies that is definitely investing money into these types of rides. Big sprawling roller coasters, may initial bring in big crowds, but eventually the hype dies down and it the cost to maintain the ride start to level out with the profit the ride is making the park. Six Flags has invested a lot of money into their seasonal events like FF and HITP. So rather than spending a whole lot of money on a huge ride, they've spread out their budgeted money for "smaller" new rides, park maintenance, and additions to the seasonal events.


    If you've followed IAAPA at all this past year, there have been several ride manufacturers that have developed rides that I could see Six Flags bringing into their park in the near future. As far an over coaster community, I think 2018 looks VERY promising. Cedar Faire is spending a good amount of money on a couple new coasters as well as Herschend Family Entertainment. What does Six Flags have in store for 2018? We'll see in September. *Fingers Crossed*

  8. I'm glad they went with a sign for each side on this one.


    One thought though, wouldn't it have been kind of cool if they had used a much larger sign and kind of made a tunnel for the coaster go go through? Just a thought, but I think using the signs to create a spinning tunnel Ala fun house would be neat.

    I like where your head is but the spinning effect would be lost with the vertical spinning of the ride.

  9. Are they going to put a sign on both sides of the structure, because if I'm looking at it correctly, that looks like the side that faces the outside of the park?

    No because on their website it shows a picture of only one sign but you know what from I saw from picture it might be two you just never know if it is one or two.

    From what I've been told from friends that have been on the construction site, they only had one sign, but it does look like their are additional mounting brackets.

  10. How many of these Joker clones are they going to put up?

    So far two are open and three under construction and 1 testing phase. Idk how many more in the coming years.

    I'm sorry which one is testing?

    The one that is testing is in Japan nagashima spa land. But all the ones opening at six flags this year are still under construction still. The one at Scot is getting closer and closer each time and say to the testing phase opening is expected in mid to late May of this year. It's fine.

    Signs up.

    So the signs up on the joker?? Did you take a picture?

    Give it 30 seconds and it will be all over Social Media. SFOT just Tweeted about it.

  11. How many of these Joker clones are they going to put up?

    So far two are open and three under construction and 1 testing phase. Idk how many more in the coming years.

    I'm sorry which one is testing?

    The one that is testing is in Japan nagashima spa land. But all the ones opening at six flags this year are still under construction still. The one at Scot is getting closer and closer each time and say to the testing phase opening is expected in mid to late May of this year. It's fine.

    Signs up.

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