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Posts posted by valleyfairfanatic

  1. That's really interesting.


    I don't go in the mazes, but find it interesting that some last forever and some are gone after only a couple of years? Is this based attendance, or are some concepts considered core and some rotating. Chateau has been around forever and now they even built a permanent structure for it, but Weikillou didn't last long at all.


    It's probably a fair characterization that Valleyfair has a decent flat ride and kids section, and amount the worst roller coasters and waterpark in the chain. Is there a characterization of Valleyfair's haunt relative to the others?


    Is the move to permanent haunt locations something that's coming from the top, or specific to Valleyfair?


    Can't wait to get off work so I can go back tonight. Renegade at Night and Corkscrew and Power Tower with the fog.


    I was really surprised that they took out weikilou quite honestly. I wish they kept that and Carnevil around. From what i've heard Carnevil was one of the better mazes.

  2. Quick Haunt employee preview report: Improved mazes: Asylum, Zombie High, Hellside, Bloodshed I was pretty disappointed with Graveyard, Humane Habitat,London terror, and Chateau I think the mazes have all good ideas but weren't well executed. Literally the actors in graveyard would just stare at you and stand around. Not to be harsh or anything but that's what I observed. Trails end is really cool though. Chateau's new building is nice but not much cast energy.

  3. I just want to quote a few of my favorite posts from before the announcement.




    Finally I must give props to Valleyfairfanatic who actually hit the announcement right on the head with his post on 9/2


    My final predictions: Larson Flyers near where chaos used to sit, some sort of development/demolition of the amphitheatre, and a large "VF 40" celebration of sorts similar to what Kings Dominion did.



  4. Well it's obvious they are delaying the announcement because now the park is getting the flyers, plus...

    1. A Mondial Frisbee

    2. A ride like CanWon is getting

    3. A B&M gate coaster

    4. A Trio-Tech Dark Ride

    5. A water park expansion with 3 new towers and a funnel slide


    Foamers be foaming. *rolling my eyes*


    I'm pretty sure a lot of people roll their eyes at your posts more than anything.

    I like both these comments equally

  5. Screamscape is now echoing the rumor that VF is adding a Mondial Revolution ride that will probably be called Delirium. Plus, Valleyfair will join up with almost every other Cedar Fair park in adding a set of Larson Flying Scooters.


    I just checked the screamscape site and I haven't found anything that would suggest that they have been talking about on Mondial. Aside from us having zero evidence towards a mondial (unless i missed something), I think we should say "if" rather than "when." I'm not sure where screamscape is really getting that assumption.

  6. Insider Notice


    Told by Dave Frazier, to MillerInsider (myself), Excalibur and Thunder Canyon will close for the season on Sunday, September 13th, during coaster camp out and dollar days. If Valleyfair opts to go with Excaliburs removal, which seems doubtful, Excalibur could have as few as 6 days left.


    5 Days Till Announcement

    More News to Come throughout the week


    Miller Insider

    Valleyfair Insider

    Minnesota Screamscape Correspondent


    Both of these pieces of information can be found on the Valleyfair site. You're starting to sound like coaster studios

  7. Why did Valleyfair cut the park services? And have the ride operators do park services? Is this the first year they have done this?


    Yes this is the first year. No one was happy. Because budget. Because they don't think we do enough already, IDK. It does say in our job description "other miscellaneous jobs" or something like that.


    Valleyfair is one of the only (If not THE only) park where you had to be 18 to operate ANY rides position. However, they got special permission from the state to allow 16-17 y.o. to operate all but primary controls, including single operator rides. They wear the orange park services uniform, and then get the red uniform once they turn 18. They are titled "Ride Attendants" instead of "Ride Operators".


    So the pay levels go $9.25/attendants, $10.25/operators, $11.25/leads, and $11.75/supervisors with the pay raise this year.



    Keep in mind that they do have some people (me) working in rides areas primarily for Park Services work. (My apologies in advance for the double post)

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