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Posts posted by valleyfairfanatic

  1. I have a question for you guys, I've been thinking about this for a while actually, I noticed that excalibur drinks were taken out. Do you think this means excalibur will be taken out in the near future? I know this is a shot in the dark guess so the off season might be making me go insane. What I'm saying is, since the themed drink stop is gone, will the coaster meet the same fate in the near future? 19 days left until opening day, hang in there guys

  2. 1) Idiots who think they know all about coasters but really don't

    2) 12 year olds who are on dates

    3) When a restaurant only has one person attending it (Cotton candy on dollar days at valley fair)

    4) People who go up to you and mess around with you (annoying 12 year olds mostly)

    5) mean ride operators, people who hate their job etc.

    6) When people try to spit on you on those intamin looping starship rides

    7) Screaming girls that break your ears

    8) Over priced meals

    9) Summer camp groups ugh those people are the worst. they take up lines in mass quantities

    10) People who bump shoulders with you when you walk

  3. I'm not sure if you guys care about this but i contacted dave frazier via twitter and i asked him "have you guys considered posting ride wait times hourly on the mobile app?"

    he replied "Yes we are also introducing in house TV which may have the wait times capability " I'm not sure if you guys care but in house tv sounds pretty dang cool, and wait times would be very helpful so i could decide if i wanted to go to the park that day

  4. I'm not a huge fan of flying coasters, I do agree the g forces in the pretzel loop are insane but thats really the only thing that it has going for it, I could see a vekoma SLC or a boomerang coaster coming in the near future, maybe a cheap b&m invert


    You seriously would want an SLC or a Boomerang over a flying coaster? I'd rather ride a relatively low-force B&M flyer than get my head banged up on a Vekoma. I don't think that Valleyfair will get anything from Vekoma because with the exception of Boomerang at Worlds of Fun, all Cedar Fair Vekomas we're acquired in park buyouts, and I believe that Cedar Fair is aware that Vekoma coasters are not the best. Although, I don't think a B&M flyer is likely either for reasons I listed earlier.



    No, i said nothing like that, don't get me wrong I love b&m, I'm not a huge fan of vekoma, i would not prefer a vekoma SLC over a flying coaster, I'm just saying in my opinion I think it is more likely due to the cost of them, or there is a possibility of vf getting a cheap b&m like the size of patriot

  5. I just hope IF they do decide to go with B&M as a manufacturer for VF's next coaster it would be a Invert or Floorless instead of their Winged or Flyer models because this park is overdue for a thrilling ride that provides some forces.


    I think that a flying coaster at Valleyfair might be fun, but only if it has a pretzel loop because the positive G's in pretzel loops are absolutely insane. Otherwise, it would just be a boring, low-force ride that Valleyfair doesn't need. Although, I don't think a flying coaster is going to happen because Cedar Fair has yet to build a B&M flyer, and it's been a while since the last B&M flyer was built.



    I'm not a huge fan of flying coasters, I do agree the g forces in the pretzel loop are insane but thats really the only thing that it has going for it, I could see a vekoma SLC or a boomerang coaster coming in the near future, maybe a cheap b&m invert

  6. ^They could want something more "hardcore" as they don't really have anything that intense, do they? Plus, it would be possible that they tried to compensate for the fact that they can't afford a massive coaster by making it more forceful. (this might just be wishful thinking)

    I can't really say, I've never been to ValleyFair. But, nothing really looks forceful there. One good coaster will put them on the map.


    well wild thing holds the record for longest low gravity point on a roller coaster

  7. This is a random question, but would any of you happen to know why Xtreme Swing was only running one side last year? Everytime I went to VF last year, it would only run one side regardless of if the park was packed or if everything was a walk-on. My guesses are that it was either broken down, or Valleyfair was being cheap by only operating one side, but does anyone know exactly why?


    I asked the ride operator that exact same question, he said it had to do with the parks electricity bill or something

  8. one advice, don't go on a saturday in july, the lines are horrible and it is very crowded, try going mon-thurs thats usually when i go and i have walk on rides. 2. No, if you are going on a saturday. 3. chickie and pete's might be a good option. 4. make sure to hit the back of the park. But if saturday's your only option, go anyways, having some coasters is better then having no coasters at all!


    I'm not really sure what you're talking about. Even if you went on the busiest day of the year, you will still be able to ride all 7 coasters plus lots of rerides, as Valleyfair has less attendance than many other amusement parks. If you think that Valleyfair has long lines, you probably have never been to Six Flags Great America. I went there last year on a Monday in July, and everything had at least an hour long wait, including the kiddie rides. I'm going back this year, and I will buy at least a Gold Flash Pass.


    Hey, at least this park gets more attention than Michigan's Adventure.


    Yeah, I'd much rather have Valleyfair as my home park than Michigan's Adventure or California's Great America. In fact, all the people that complain about having VF as a home park are starting to bother me. Would they rather live in Minnesota and have Valleyfair, or live in a coaster deprived state like Nebraska or Montana and have nothing? I wouldn't say I've been complaining in these last few pages. I've just been speculating.




    I have been to six flags great america. I have gone multiple times on saturdays at valleyfair and the lines are considerably long for a small park such as valley fair, i went on a saturday and i only got on about 4 rides. I know what lines are long and what lines are short. Renegade's line was out of the queue once and going into the area where the pictures were

  9. Hey guys, just a few questions about the park that you may be able to help me with. We are going to visit the park for the first time this summer, and need some help in our planning.


    1. How long do the lines typicly get on a sat in July? Is a fast lane pass nessersary?

    2. Will we be able to hit all the coasters in one day? And if so, whats a good way to attack the park?

    3. We typicly like to choose a indoor type restaurant to eat in, so what are some good recomedations?

    4. What are some hidden gems of the park that we should check out?


    Thank's for any input.




    one advice, don't go on a saturday in july, the lines are horrible and it is very crowded, try going mon-thurs thats usually when i go and i have walk on rides. 2. No, if you are going on a saturday. 3. chickie and pete's might be a good option. 4. make sure to hit the back of the park. But if saturday's your only option, go anyways, having some coasters is better then having no coasters at all!

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