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Posts posted by valleyfairfanatic

  1. So how is/was opening day for those of you that are/were there? I have a few questions:

    1) How is Northern Lights? Is it thrilling or just fun? I want to know if it's worth taking a spin on when I go.

    2) How have Renegade and High Roller changed with the track maintenance? I hope Renegade has lost that headache-inducing rattle.

    3) How is the new queue line TV system? What do they show besides weather and queue times?



    I had the opportunity to ride northern lights today!

    1) Its a lot of fun, I was very surprised! It had a lot of airtime and was actually pretty fast!

    2) Its ok, I got a pretty bad headache on renegade,i'm just not a huge wooden coaster fan.

    3) It was pretty cool, I saw some REALLY weird music videos, they did have a constant cycle going of mostly the same stuff, They did have trivia and sports updates which was a nice touch. Mr.Frazier really did well with route 76

  2. O.K.

    So yesterday I was able to have a visit with Dave Frazier, Valleyfair's GM. I was able to tour the park and it looks fantastic! I'm not kidding when I say it almost feels like a new park. There were numerous changes throughout the park! Route 76 will be the place that makes everyone say "Wow". Scrambler and Tilter look like brand new rides. Not only did they get new lights and paint but many mechanical upgrades as well such as new motors. Also, they build two new picnic point pavilions and have beefed up their corporate marking staff to keep this are filled during the summer. The cue line for Steel Venom is much shorter than before. Oh, the new cue line entertainment systems are really cool. They are not planning on using these as advertising but rather on entertainment while you wait. It will also have wait times and weather radar to keep you updated on incoming storms. Valleyfair also upgraded the parks sound system, they had it playing and it sounded awesome. There is much more to report but I don't want this post to be too long.


    This is all great news, I had a couple Ideas for renegade as well that I might submit to Mr. Frazier, By the way, how were you able to tour the park, I'd love to meet mr. frazier? I think the improvements to renegade will be fantastic because it does give me headaches periodically and sometimes I skip riding renegade all together. Is it me, or when I go on renegade the edge of the lap bar sticks into my side when I go over the airtime hills, and it is somewhat painful and I have side pain after the ride, Is that happening to you also? I'm just a little concerned about it.

  3. ^ It usually is about a 3 or less on opening day. And with the forecast only in the 60's it should stay that way. It is usually only season pass holders that show up on opening day because if you were paying for entry wouldn't you want to wait for a nicer day in June than one in May? And until school lets out crowds are lighter. I am planing on hitting the park Friday and Saturday to check out all the changes and get my ride on.



    I'll be there also on those exact same days, I hope I can get my Club TPR membership in by then, I will always be wearing a TPR shirt when I go so you'll probably see me a few times

  4. Most people have been thinking that 2015 will be the waterpark expansion, and then a new coaster will come in 2016. I've been thinking about this lately, and I think that while we will get the waterpark expansion next year, 2016 will be a year with just general improvements and no new coaster. I think that it will happen that way because Valleyfair has had years in the recent past with no new additions (2010, 2012), so based on that trend, the park might decide to just go with general improvements for 2016. Also, that would give VF another year to save capital to build a quality coaster rather than something cheap. I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer, just trying to be realistic.



    Exactly what I said back on Page 130

  5. I have a question for you guys, I've been thinking about this for a while actually, I noticed that excalibur drinks were taken out. Do you think this means excalibur will be taken out in the near future? I know this is a shot in the dark guess so the off season might be making me go insane. What I'm saying is, since the themed drink stop is gone, will the coaster meet the same fate in the near future? 19 days left until opening day, hang in there guys


    I believe it is just the first sign Excalibur's eventual removal. If the drink stand made money it would still be there. Excalibur and Thunder Canyon just don't draw enough people back there to make it work and with Excalibur's reduced operating time than the rest of the park that did not help it. And why not remove it and get it under budget in a year when you are also removing IMAX and Hydroblaster. The question is how many years until VF gets a new coaster to replace it? Probably not next year with the expected water park expansion but the year after that and beyond we can only speculate. I think it will be sooner rather than later with the removal of the drink station now but that is just opinion.



    I think it will be removed the 2015 season, but i think the roller coaster that replaces it will be around 2016 or 2017. 2016 is the parks 40th anniversary but that is not a stable reason to bet on. My personal opinion is it will come in 2017 because the water park expansion will be very spendy and I think they will use the 2016 to save up for the coaster because they spent a lot of money on the water park expansion

  6. If Excalibur does get removed, what do you think would go there? My guess would be a cheap invert or a maverick style coaster. I know its a long shot but I'm up for anything really, except a vekoma SLC I would not like to see that coming to the park. Do you guys think there is a possibility of a slingshot ride at valley fair? Cedar point is receiving one this year. Has anyone thought of the possibility of a floor less? Its kinda slipped under my predictions because i've been mainly focusing on the possibility of an invert. Im up for suggestions

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