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Posts posted by michaellynn4

  1. I would've liked to have visited Drayton Manor, but I fear if I tried to cram one more amusement park into our honeymoon while in Great Britain (already had BPB, Alton, and Thorpe on the schedule), my wife would've sought to annul our marriage the moment we landed on the tarmac at JFK. Mind you we also already did Efteling and Walibi Holland in the Netherlands during the trip, as well.

    Looks like you had a great time!

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  2. 20 hours ago, prozach626 said:

    Getting rid of the skyway is dumb. That's a good classic family ride. I wouldn't think it's too hard to maintain.

    Bummed about it as well, but it was anticipated. The cables need to be completely replaced every ten years or so, and there was apparently discussion about removing them the last time the cables were redone due to the cost factor. Plus it already cannibalized all remaining parts from other Six Flags sky rides that already had fallen, like SFNE's.

    That said, if the company was remotely interested in anything other than the bottom line like some other parks, I'm sure they would've been able to figure something out. Another reason why I'll gladly give my money to other parks in the meantime if I absolutely need to scratch my coaster itch.

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  3. 1 hour ago, bert425 said:

    the wording is interesting. . .I'm wondering/guessing that the Kingda Ka tower will remain, and become part of the multi launch new coaster.. . thereby keeping the Zumanjaro Drop Ride intact - as that's not mentioned anywhere as leaving, correct?

    I think Bert's take is the most likely - a reworking of the ride that keeps some of the original coaster intact. I think that Green Lantern also being referred to as "retired" is most likely just poor wording on the part of PR.  

  4. 16 hours ago, prozach626 said:

    However, in the end we both think we could have had just as much fun, if not more, by watching and riding all of the bullshit rides with our daughter. For us, sharing new experiences with her is an irreplaceable feeling compared to trying to relive our past.

    Hear hear.

    I imagine it may change a bit for us back in the other direction as our kids get older and gravitate towards the larger stuff, but all depends.

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