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  1. Thanks for all the feedback guys! I would love to do a TPR trip I was actually thinking about that a while ago, but timing is a bit of an issue. When abouts would the trips be or is it not really known untill they are announced? Would probably have to head over around late August and stay till late September or late June to late July.. These are holiday periods for the course I'm doing next year and its important I dont miss out on too much.
  2. Yeah true, I just wanted to come on her first to get the best info about the parks before I go see a travel agent, they will be able to help with locations and transportation but wouldn't have as many good tips about the themeparks. I hope it's possible I've wanted to do this trip since I got back from the US in 05! I will have a fair budget so money shouldn't be too much of an issue.
  3. Thanks heaps for the info guys, KCForce that helped me a lot. How far in between are all the parks in Florida? I probably won't be traveling with anyone over 21 so I think I'm going to just have to fly from Cali to Minneapolis then another flight to Florida then probably just catch busses whilst in Florida. What would be a central location to stay in Florida? Would love to stay in Miami but I'm not sure if that's even anywhere near the parks.
  4. Hey everyone! Would like to start off by saying I've been a long time reader (few years!) and I've finally decided to join this epic website so I can become an active member. I'm 17 and I live in Sydney, Australia. Hope to meet some fellow coaster fanatics! I'm thinking of heading to the US next year, possibly around this time. I just wanted some questions answered to help me plan my trip. I've been the America once when I was probably about 9 or 10 and did Los Angeles and Hawaii with my family. This time i'll be heading over alone or maybe with a friend and want the full blown coaster experience! I would like to do all the Cali parks- Disneys, Knotts, SFMM, Universal, probably give Sea World a miss. I will probably be in Cali for a week or so, then I wanted to head to Minneapolis to see a friend for probably a week and do Great America, Valleyfair, Cedar Point possibly. I also then would love to do all the Orlando parks- Disneys, Universal, Sea World, Busch. This probably seems pretty straight forward to you guys but im not entirely sure how to go about this! I have my provisional license which means I have to wear P plates on my car and cant exceed 90km/h. Would it be easier to hire a car and drive from A to B then fly to C? I have no idea when it comes to location in the US I know LA is on one side of the country and Orlando is on the other side so I couldn't drive there! I know how to get to LA but then after there im not really sure what to do. If anyone has any advice or tips they would be greatly appreciated im a bit nervous! Also would september be a good time to come, for parks being quiet? (cant stand hour long ques!) Cheers everyone
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