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Everything posted by mikeykaise

  1. We're packing up and getting ready to head out. Mason, Ohio or bust! Can't wait to meet my fellow King Islanders tomorrow. I'll see everyone there.
  2. It was definitely a fun time. I only got one ride on Raven with my son and one on Legend on Friday night and none on Saturday. My son is still wary of them a little bit so I think next year it will be my wife and me. Mammoth was an awesome ride and it was freezing when we rode it at 11 am so I can just imagine what it was like during ERT. This was an awesome trip report and I'll definitely have to get a nice camera my poor blackberry camera doesn't make a very good coaster camera.
  3. this was a harder duck find this week. I'm not close to the others but lock me in for 5.
  4. I love the whole roller coaster tracking and water ride combo, looks like a very fun ride.
  5. dvr set and can't wait to see Big Mike win big prizes and hopefully really set the big wheel spinning and winning the big cash and the hot girls...
  6. It looked like to me mountains covered in clouds but there's no mountains anywhere close to Cedar point.... awesome pics again Hanno.
  7. That's what I told her and I'm telling her lets go Saturday and we can ride everything we want but you know wifes and the whole listening to husbands thing.
  8. My wife asked me a question that she was curious about and since this is my first coasting event I wasn't sure. She was curious if we got off the racer to take a break from it if its kosher if we got in line for another ride or would that be considered bad form?
  9. I think I counted 6 duckies but I could be wrong since I kept on getting distracted by the amusement park rides.
  10. That's the version of Elvis that most impersonators do--maybe because it doesn't matter how fat you are? Looks like Elvis went overseas and had a quick sex change done just in time for the ride opening but chose to still dress the same.
  11. I've only been to CP once as a teenager and that was the summer Millenium Force had just opened. I wish I could get back there this summer. Oh well, there's always next summer.
  12. blown away at how much has been raised. I'm playing catchup with topics since work has been consuming all my time here for the past week or two. I've got some possible donations I'm working on, but Our team rocks.... Go Kings Island TPR!!!
  13. I like the kid in the Onell or Oneil shirt... not screaming or anything just sitting back and enjoying the ride like he was watching a football game or something.
  14. beautiful picture and touching letter Kara... aww drat stupid allergies where's my box of Kleenexes.
  15. Thank you Robb & Elissa!!!!!!!!!! I got my first TPR shirt today, I got my first TPR shirt today!!!! What an awesome surprise inside of the envelope with the t-shirt.
  16. To me it kind looks like the cup wasn't running over just working its way loose and she was pulling it back into place? Women riding coasters are all kinds of sexy....
  17. What an awesome trip report, its wierd to not see a jammed pack Walt Disney park but looks like you picked a good time for a vist.
  18. That is awesome, it will be my first Coasting for Kids event and my first TPR event also. I haven't been to Kings Island since around 2000 so I'm hoping to get a ride in on a couple of the new coasters that have been installed since my last visit after the event and before the last rites on Beast. I'm stoked about that too I've never had a chance to ride beast at night like I've been wanting to. I've almost made a full circle. I was born in Cincy and lived there till I was 10 and then moved to Indiana. I grew up there and got married in Indiana then got transferred to Louisville for work so I'm thinking in another 10 years or so it might be time to close the circle.
  19. how awesome, its mind blowing that we've raised this much money, go TPR!!!
  20. Welcome to the Kings Island team and I look forward to meeting you on the 10th.... its a good thing the racer is one of my fav coasters.
  21. shocker.... more beautiful photographs from Hanno. Awesome job Mr. Cameraman
  22. I love Disney and all the good stuff they do but they have a bad habit of taking stuff and putting their own spin on it which usually ends up being just a tad over the top so I definitely agree that this looks like it would be the best party ever. Kara, What an awesome update. It's very cool seeing the GKTW resort but seeing all the smiling children in the pics makes me realize even more how worth it is to give up at least a day to help provide smiles all around like that. I wish there was never a need for a place like this since it would mean no sick children but as long as there is I hope GKTW can keep on making children happy for 100 yrs or more longer.
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