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Posts posted by QueerRudie

  1. Re: Schwarzkopf double looping:


    The first drop is a bit too long- I'd re-think that a bit; your trains don't need that deep a drop to accelerate into that loop. Also, I'd refine the hills; there are too many 'mulitsegment' positions which makes the design less fluid- and ends up appearing choppy and broken up. Plus, your first inversion is lower than the second...


    Just my .02.



    Praise be to Anton, Amen.

  2. If you have nothing new added, and you have nothing new to share: DON'T UPDATE. Please. It isn't worth it.


    Many of the parks you see here go several weeks without updates, and guess what? PEOPLE READ THEM. There is no requirement to update your park every other day, especially since it is the same updates each time over. Honestly, I can't tell one update from the next after reading through your thread- and I see no real change other than different angles.


    I try to think we support all people of all skill levels here in the Games Forum, and I'd like to think we support people who choose to do a park and do it the way they like. That's why we are here. However, as has been pointed out in the past, they will make changes along the way. They don't post up the same series of pics from different angles, and they try new things to make their park special. I'm afraid I'm not seeing that here. I see updates of the same exact thing over and over again.


    In a nutshell: The Town Planning Commission isn't happy with the park's operations thus far, and if they continue to see such mediocre updates, they will step in and shut this park down, just like they did with Six Flags Florida.



    Games Forum Management Team

  3. Ha, I never thought about those track pieces being a tease, but they certainly have been sitting out in an oddly noticeable place for awhile now.


    ^They've been hinting about it for ages, just not to the "enthusiast" community. If you ride the train, they talk about it a lot and they actually make a connection to Wildfire, saying that one of Doc's experiments blew all the trees down and they just decided to go ahead and make something out of it.


    Anyone going this weekend? By now either the track or the rest of the bents are in place and the question of whether it is going to do a roll can be answered.


    That's kinda funny... I've yet to hear anybody who's visited the park in the past few months mention anything being said on the trains about the new Movie Theater... Same with any other staff in the park for that matter.

  4. ^Slow down! You aren't limited to 1 pic per post. You could put all of those images in one post. If you keep up what you are doing the mods will kill you for it!


    Just some advice


    Excessive posting behind us, those renders are awesome! Those wheels need a little more of a concave shape to them in order to run on tubular rails, but otherwise this is amazing!


    Please, No backseat moderating. We're good people here, and we do know what we're doing.


    And yes, no more one-pic posts, Give us some detail, clarity and such. One pic posts aren't allowed.



    Games Forum Moderating Team



    I mean that. Slow down the posting. There is no requirement for you to update your park every 18 hours (or even less...)


    Henceforth: No updates for your park- no matter if people comment on things- for 36 hours between them. (And yes, I'm counting... tick, tick, tick.) If you have a lot of improvements, SAVE THEM for one big update, instead of posting multiple updates per day.



    Games Forum Management Team

  6. Honestly, a third train wouldn't be necessary. Even their best operations couldn't enable them to run all 3 without backing up - can you imagine having to wait before the second vertical loop while the previous train is waiting for the station to clear


    Mindbender, like her sister ShockWave, has three train blocking for the station area. As in: they can/would stack three trains at the platform without any issues. Schwarzkopf designed it that way- as He did with all of the large-scale coasters in His arsenal.


    If Mindbender were operated at normal 'full' capacity (45 second dispatch, normal ops), three trains would be a breeze to do. Same thing with ShockWave: The rides are inherently built to handle these ops. I don't bash SFoG for doing two trains- if they feel it is necessary to do so, good for them. I'd love to see three trains again, as Schwarzkopf designed it to be.

  7. I registered at the forum just to post this. May seem not worth the effort, but I don't care. I don't let stuff like this slide.


    I had the tacos there last week. I have a season pass. I've had them countless times. They're popular mostly because they tortilla shells are fried right before they are served, which almost no one else does. There is NO cheese whiz in the tacos. It's white shredded cheese, possibly chihuahua queso, but I can't tell. But it's not cheese whiz. The fact you have to post a lie to embellish your review is kind of sad. Pretty much would not read anything else you review, because of the boy that cried wolf effect. White lies in reviews count, I'm sorry.


    The Food Network did have a segment on the tacos and the now defunct Luigi's Italian Sausage place a few years ago. It wasn't a 30 second spot. It was at least several minutes on a show about theme park food. Just because you're too freaking lazy to do the research doesn't mean you should post this garbage as fact.


    I do have my own issues with Indiana Beach even though I love it. I think the whole place needs a new paint job for one, and they also need to fix the water pressure so they're running all the water slides at once. But that doesn't excuse publishing factual inaccuracies in a review.


    Fanboy much?


    I tend to not get involved with things like this, but I'm afraid you've not only stepped over a line, you've danced across it and well into next week.


    Everybody is entitled to their reviews on food. Food is an extremely subjective opinion all around, and one that depends on the person eating the food in the first place. Where I find fault in your accusations is this: Were you there? Did you eat what he was eating? And for that matter HOW do you know so much about a taco being produced there? I'm sorry if I sound abrupt on this, but something isn't right about this.


    You come in and immediately accuse somebody of lying simply to counter a bad review? Really? Having read many reviews not only here but across the interwebs about Indiana Beach and the decline of the park, I have to say not only was Chadster's review accurate, but on-point with many other opinions of the park recently.


    To simply accuse somebody of embellishing a story when you have no proof nor evidence to me is wrong- and something I find totally reprehensible in every way. Chadster registered his opinion of the food, backed it up with suitable research and presented it to the readers of the forum, as any good travel reviewer would do. You are entitled to your opinion, so is Chadster.



  8. Interesting- I'd love to get a copy of that CTR- as it would help with the recreation of a JSI.5 (Similar to what I made for another TPR member...)


    Realistically, it looks good: Nothing out of place, nothing too extreme, bent well, and smooth.


    Suggestions? Well, in part it would be that you only have right turns- perhaps a figure 8 element in the second half/towards the end might be nice. A helix would also be good- in wide width, of course.


    As for blocking for capacity: you have several points where you could do so, the reason would be to add capacity (Four 'trains' vs. two, for example- or more.)


    Nice coaster overall!



  9. Two posts does not a valid thread-starter make.


    More content ASAP or no thread- that's the rule:



    3.) Do NOT start a thread for a park if you only have one screenshot, or just a Photoshoped logo. We want quality posts and threads. Get your park, or track, started and moving along before you need to make an announcement. A video of your park will suffice, as those take time to put together and edit. Also, do NOT single-picture post to your existing threads. If you only have one picture, use "The Preview Thread" to showcase it. Use your threads for more detailed posts with more than three pictures.


    From Theme Park Revew Games Forum Rules


    24 hours- or the thread will be locked.



    Games Forum Management Team

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