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Posts posted by QueerRudie

  1. I moved this here to prevent issues, and sent the user this:




    We have removed your thread due to the Terms of Service for TPR. Please understand we appreciate threads of all types, but there are certain policies & rules we have set up here.


    You should start by reading THIS.


    And then These.


    If you have pictures to post to TPR, please start with a few shots from your project, and post them in "The Preview Thread."



    Games Forum Management Team

  2. Feeling like we were welcome at SFoG was a good start.


    Having been to a number of bashes over the past year or so, no park has rolled out the red carpet like SFoG did; from ERT as far as the eye can see, to ADDING ERT on the drop-tower which was down most of the day, to little touches such as a backstage tour that was epic. Making sure we got the chance to ride every coaster in the park during both the morning session of ERT (I know of very few parks who opened up their mine train for ERT!) or the evening session (Goliath at night isn't shabby at all). The B-E-ERT session prior to night ERT was epic- with fried pies, beer & wine.


    For me, having the Park GM come up to me (and a few of my friends) and ask how my day was going, and if there were any problems, and genuinely caring about them was a personal touch that cannot be replicated in any way otherwise. That is a 'warm' feeling that I've yet to have at any other park, save my beloved HersheyPark.


    Just those reasons alone are enough to get me back for 2012, and to spend additional time in the park for a few days beforehand. SFoG knows how to run a park right, and does so in a spectacular fashion.


    (Plus being able to ride MindBender uninterrupted for two hours didn't hurt either....)



  3. SFoG- by far:


    While dining options are limited around the park, there are two good (and one dump) motels right next to the main gate. In addition, Cobb County Transport & MARTA both have bus lines that run directly to the park from the nearest MARTA station (I'm using this in a few short days...) to get from ATL to SFoG.


    The park itself is wonderful all over. Excellent rides, good shows, and wonderful diversions all throughout make for a great two, three (Or in my case four) day trip to the park.


    If you're willing to head out on MARTA/CCT, there are larger (and more diverse) places to stay/eat near the park. Avoid at all costs the area around Fulton Co. Airport- one exit east of SFoG. Numerous reports of drugs, prostitution & other activities make it a not-so-good place to be in. Going west from SFoG, you will have more choices, but fewer public transport options from there.



  4. Beautiful pics of two great parks, each having great rides in them.


    re: Lisbergbanen: Anton Schwarzkopf referred to this coaster as "His Masterpiece" and was always fond of the design itself. When He created the layout, He found that making use of the terrain surrounding made for a much better ride overall. The design was certainly different, fit the land perfectly, and gives an always splendid ride. Alton Towers took a look at what The Master had done, and had a design based upon Lisberbanen created. Sadly it was not built, as it would have been the longest Schwarzkopf coaster built. Instead, Lisberbanen holds this title, happily!



    Praise be to Anton, Amen.

  5. It's crazy how much love Mindbender doesn't get. As such an awesome coaster it is, I've never, ever waited longer than 30 minutes for it.


    Oh, Mindbender gets PLENTY of love when I'm around... I make sure Mindbender is loved repeatedly. I've loved Mindbender for 25 cycles in a row before. And I'll be loving Mindbender for four days in just two short weeks.


    Mindbender is better when the love comes from the truly devout...



    Praise be to Anton, Amen.

  6. I haven't seen any requests for a post like that- but I was thinking the same thing.


    As much as his posts always end up as a popular draw, it's not quite 'legal' for the forum, especially since I've started cracking down on bad posting.


    I'd e-mail him and say "Add more content" I.E. teaser pics, etc. to the post, especially since his works are pretty good examples of how to do things right in the forum. The other option is to merge it into 'The Preview Thread', but I'm reluctant to do that, considering the nature of his past posts.



  7. I honestly don't see a point in having a top XXX list of coasters. It makes no sense. I've got a 'top three' - and that's it. And even then, the list hasn't changed in about 20 years.


    Having this list of "My top 500 coasters" is like having a list of "top 500 Hamburgers" or "Top 500 touchdown passes." As in: They're pretty much all the same in the end, and only a few are truly special.

  8. Easter has too many religious connotations to it to be practical, I think. *


    I kind of like the idea of a holiday that could really have some oomph to it. St. Patrick's day* for example could have some winning ride ideas for many people to enjoy- beyond the obvious. Valentines Day has the most practicality about it- but lacks the ability to flex to the 'family' atmosphere of a park such as HW. Memorial Day & Labor day provide good summertime/fall settings- but fail to attract the energy of rides, etc. to make them practical. Mardi Gras would be a great fit- but may not fly well with the locals, as it tends to be very regional in nature.


    In all, they have a range of ways they can choose to go- should they choose to add a new holiday theme area.


    (* Note: My reasoning behind Easter is this: While 2/3rds of the country celebrates Easter, 1/3rd do not- which means there would be some connotations lost in translation, even to the educated. The same could be said for St. Patrick's Day.)

  9. My rides on Goliath last year could be best described as this:


    The first ride, during the day, myself & two others were subjected to a nasty vibration/rattle that was painful- even to me. As in: teeth were rattling. However, at night it was a different story all around: In the front, the ride was amazingly smooth and provided a decent ride all around. The rear was good (Not -quite- as good as the front, but that's my preferences) and equally as smooth. I never noticed any rattles or such.


    I'll be there in less than two weeks, so hopefully I'll be able to see if there's a difference year over year; hopefully it will provide as good a journey now as then.


    (That is if I get away from Mindbender...)

  10. ^I'd say that if you want to talk about "fails" at BGW, I think the Drachen Fire mess was a much bigger one (whether you liked the coaster or not).


    Snf... snf... WAAAAHHH!!! I liked DF! I never had to wait in a line, and it had a great numbing effect on me during college...


    As for Mach Tower:


    Realistically, I'd rather them take their time, get it right, and reopen the thing with fewer repairs/bugs in the system. If it means the ride doesn't re-open this season, so be it. Parks have spent way too much time rushing things and realizing their mistakes later on. A good move for BGW I think to do this now, instead of later on when it becomes a real problem.

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