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Posts posted by anonymouscactus

  1. Visited a week ago... the Halloween stuff was very "eh" (for the love of god please get rid of the haunt that is back in the woods) but Pantheon... damn. That whip backwards over the airtime hill is probably one of my favorite "experiences" I've had on a coaster. Notable others that stand out to me that I can think of, but very different, are the final rolls on Velocicoaster and Blue Fire, triple down at night on Voyage when trims are off (or just the ride at night in general), Beast helix, intensity of i305, Goliath @ SFGAM stall, 2nd launch on Maverick for the first time... etc. -- Its a very cool and unique feeling.

    Looking forward to adding the Iron Gwazi death roll in the future, lol.

    Sad I missed out on monster stomp by a few minutes as there were no more shows the evening we went. I dunno, the whole night didn't do much for me overall but i have been feeling that way about a lot of haunts lately. Knotts Scary Farm and Horror Nights [actually, surprisingly] have been the exceptions this year though. I've missed going to a lot of parks and haunts this year due to weather and getting sick. I know local haunts are normally a lot better but I haven't been able to do any this year yet .

    Oh and random note, if you are able to do the horror themed escape room at "red vein escape" in Ashland, VA I highly recommend it. It's closer to Dominion but it was worth the trip even from Williamsburg. Granted, it was my first real escape room, but the others I went with said it was way better than other ones they have done.

    Sorry for all the randomness of this post, lol

    • Like 1
  2. If you bought your season pass from Kings Island or Cedar Point, the add ons don't start working until 2024. If you bought from any other Cedar Fair Park, then all the add ons, including FASTLANE, meals, drink+, etc work for the rest of 2023 as well, regardless of what park you are visiting.


    If you haven't already purchased your single use FASTLANE for today, just buy the all season one from Dorney NOW, it will activate instantly and it will also be the cheapest as prices may go up later. Provided you have the funds since it's a big chunk 'o change o.o

  3. Well, my September trip ended up getting cancelled due to getting COVID, but alas I'm better now and we rescheduled for Sunday the 15th. We will be there the full day so it should be enough time to do the rides and shows we want to do during the day, and then hopefully hit the haunts in the evening 1x each without QQ. Any recommended pecking order for the houses? Does it make sense to go straight to the new one (looks like it's in the Pompeii building) first or will it die down later in the night since everyone goes there first? I'm not too worried about having a game plan and was going to try and take it leisurely since it's a Sunday, but maybe I'm under thinking it and hoping for it to be lighter than it actually will be. I guess we'll see.

  4. On 9/25/2023 at 12:23 PM, coasternut said:

    I see people have been posting about Scary Farm. Any news on Xcelerator? Rumor had it, to be opening for the Haunt. I guess that hasn't happened right?

    Also, I'm very worried about Montezooma's Revenge...

    It was not running on Thursday/opening night of haunt. I don't live in the area but from my understanding based on what I've found in different groups is that it hasn't been running or testing at all other than a short amount of time a few weeks back when they released the teaser but rumor has it something happened during testing that "broke" or will require more parts. So don't expect it any time soon. Missed it yet again lol.

  5. Interesting. Glad to hear its not a huge deal. Just never seen that before.

    On a separate note, never been on Pantheon yet, but I was reading some old threads on Reddit about the restraint sensors being all over the place. Do the ops push down and help the larger folks in our are you on your own? Do they do one check of the light and say ' see ya'  if it's red? Is there still inconsistency with the way the sensors do their thing and measure?

    I am borderline size for most of the tighter fitting rides and while I am ok with using test seats and not being able to ride (though this would be a real sucky one to walk off shame on) it would probably ruin our day if we one of us had to walk off of without riding.

    I was fine on velocicoaster and TARON , and I fit all lap bar rides I've ever gone on, but my wife would need that extra push either from me or an op most likely. Just curious how accommodating they are in 2023 now that it's been open a bit? And if the sensors are now more accurate and reliable for the red vs green?

  6. On 8/16/2023 at 9:31 PM, MidwestThemeParks said:

    The only thing that wasn’t clear on the website is if the all season drink plan that I spent $34.99 on is for all parks or just Valleyfair. I assume this is also what you bought and it does work at all parks?

    Also, when I go to parks other than Valleyfair, do I just use my VF season pass everywhere to get in and use my add-ons?

    The $34.99 drink plan is good at all the cedar fair parks for when you visit. 15 min between fills and they are strict on that.

    You don't need to do anything special to enter the parks and redeem your stuff, just use the same card or QR code you have now it's all attached to the pass. Sometimes funpix is weird and you need to activate it first up front but it doesn't sound like you have that.

  7. So anyone looking to buy 2024 passes and/or any add-ons, buy it all at Canadas Wonderland if you have a credit card that doesn't charge foreign transaction fees. Not only do you get the lowest price for gold+all park passport after exchange rate, but all add-ons for 2024, including ALL SEASON FASTLANE, work for the rest of 2023 as well. At Cedar Point and a few of the other parks they don't offer this, BUT, it still works at all parks for this year if you buy from Wonderland.

    I bought a drink plan for 2024 on one of the passes that I didn't have it in 2023 from Wonderland, and it worked at Cedar Point yesterday with no issues whatsoever.

    I confirmed with someone else I was talking with on Reddit that they used their 2024 all season fast lane from Wonderland at Dorney yesterday. They did not have a 2023 pass at all.

    As a reminder you don't need to add on a parking pass at Wonderland because the passport automatically adds on parking for ALL parks, including Wonderland.

    Let me know if you have any questions I'm pretty well versed in all the season pass stuff and options from the different parks. And I've bought Wonderland passes 9 out of the 10 past few years.

    I guess your milage may vary and this could potentially change, but everything is looking up. No wonder Wonderland gets so many new rides everyone purchases their season passes through them ;)

    And unlike six flags you don't have to "process" the passes at your home park. DO KEEP IN MIND the bring a friend ticket, one time use fast lanes, and pass perks, will only work at your home park... from what I've gathered. So that is the only downfall but with all the money you are saving just but a bring a friend ticket for someone lol.

    • Like 2
  8. On 7/29/2023 at 6:17 AM, AmyUD06 said:

    It will be busy.  I was there the first weekend of Halloweekends in 2021 and it was slammed.

    But... it will only get worse as the weeks continue.

    @Swedeontour The first weekend of Halloweekends is usually the least busy of all the Halloweekends in my experience. We have been going every year on either the first or second Sunday since 2013. We tend not to go later weeks because it just gets insane. Better to go first weekend Saturday than a later Saturday in the season. Obviously your milage may vary and weather will play a factor. May the odds be forever in your favor.

    Thursdays and Fridays if you can get away with it are optimal for Halloween time. There is a reduced ride selection but the "good" rides will remain open.

    They expanded to Thursdays (two?) years ago but no guarantee they will do it again. They may start later on in the season.

    • Like 1
  9. On 7/17/2023 at 8:19 PM, ryder said:

    Gold Passes, as far as I know, have never included parking

    They do include at almost every park. In the past they haven't but now a days most parks parking is included. But not Wonderland or Knotts. There may be others but at quick glance... -- Since I buy from Wonderland will I get parking at some parks but not others? Or will they start including parking at those parks at gold level? Or do we get no parking everywhere?









  10. On 7/14/2023 at 10:34 AM, prozach626 said:

    My only head scratcher is her not being tall enough to ride Gobbler's Getaway, yet she can ride things like Sparkler and Log Flume. Oh well. Not my park, not my rules.

    Anybody can ride that can support themselves upright (ie: no handheld infants) as long as they are with a supervising companion (16+)  (they have to be in the same seat which holds two across). Just need to be 42" to ride without a companion to be with you.

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, abovethesink said:

    If I had one complaint, it was the lack of drinks being included on All-Day Dining. Obviously the lack of research there was on me, but I swear these were included at Carowinds and King's Island the last two years. Maybe not. Maybe my memory is failing me here. Either way, it was annoying to drop $10-$12 every time we ate a meal when I went into the day thinking that was paid for already. Oh well.

    Great report! Glad you had a fun time. Unfortunately the breaking down of rides seems to be a theme this year, way moreso than usual. 

    In regard to the drinks, they have a "premium" all day dining which allows snacks (instead of a meal, not in addition to) and drinks attached to the wristband. Unfortunately it MUST be bought online. Alternatively, you could have bought a separate drink wristband for the day ($18.99) but it would have cost a bit more then the premium that way.

    See screenshot:



  12. ^ thanks for the advice. We will be doing Scary Farm the night prior, so getting there at 7am from the Anaheim area probably won't happen. I have to pick up our car at 730 in the Disney Resort area (that's the earliest they open that specific rental car location) so we wouldn't be able to do early entry. Ugh. May have to rethink this especially after downloading the app and seeing the wait times for Mario Kart throughout the day. Then again it will be in the fall so things night change drastically by then. Guess we'll wait and see

  13. Some pricing updates:

    - Water park now has an upcharge for regular tickets. Included with season passes. I  Believe other SF parks which used to have the waterpark included also implemented this last year or two? Now SFDL is doing it.

    - $50/night "resort fee" for hotel stays (remember that is in addition to tickets which are no longer included) they say it pays for the laser show (lol) and for breakfast which is now included. It also doesn't require you to pay the upcharge for the waterpark with your hotel stay.

    - 3% surcharge on all* in-park purchases, similar to SeaWorld/Busch

    What a deal!


  14. Quick question about Horror Nights at USH. So we plan on getting daytime tickets on a Friday, and then doing HHN in the evening. We are *not* getting the after 2pm ticket (despite this probably being the better value) we are getting a regular admission for the day, and a regular HHN admission for the night. I'd assume it's like Orlando in which there are holding pens within the park for those doing both? Or is it required you have an after 2pm or a special early entry pass they are selling?

    Not sure if things are new or not this year, but curious how it worked last year.

    I also was going to ask about how reservations for Mario World works but I downloaded the app and think I figured all that out so this is just me rambling. It looks like you have to be in the park to do that (or just fake your location I suppose) I just don't know typically how far out reservations go if we don't plan on getting there right at open. Looks like Mario World is ONLY accessible at night via the special ticket, not a regular HHN ticket, so we will have to do that during the day.

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