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Posts posted by biker7766

  1. Yea, so I had a great day at SFGAdv and I rode a ton of rides with my friend Liam! Here is my total ride list(El Toro lovers beware, your in for a scare!):


    Started off with: Nitro-x4

    Rolling Thunder-x2

    Green Lantern-x4

    Skull Mountain-x6

    Batman The Ride-x3


    Runaway Mine Train-x1

    (Here it is)El Toro-x10!!!


    We totally would have gotten on Sky Screamer, but this Muslim Family, "yes you heard that Family!", cut the entire line twice! TWICE! It took them 20 minutes the first time to get them out, but then they cut again this time onto the ride and strapped themselves in! The security took then another 30 minutes to get them out! By that time we had to go after waiting for about 1 hour and left even though we were 1 cycle away for getting on. Great day, but Sky Screamer was a let-down!

  2. To answer both of your questions! On Sunday mornings, the park is dead except for Superman, Nitro, and Kingda Ka. You will be able to get walk-ons for mostly everything else. Keep in mind the Bizarro section opens at 11 in stead of the normal 10:30 park opening. You will probably be able to keep the short line streak up till 1. This is when I call "The Bomb", hits. The buses, the students, the church people, the crowds in general all explode at this one time. Last time I went, this past weekend. I got on most of the ride in 20-30 minutes, but Kingda Ka's line was 60 minutes, not worth it unless you haven't been on it yet, and El Toro which had a 30 minute line, but it was at the 90 minute point. IMO it probably is 30 mins. Definitely worth it. Yes, It is a fantastic park, but not the people there. I was made fun of just because I was giving advice to someone. I mean what is that? I am just trying to help! Well, good luck to you sir. Hope you enjoy!

  3. I'm going to be going to SFGAdv for the first time on the 11th! I'm excited, I'll reach a milestone in credits, 100 (I know, nothing too crazy to celebrate but still). I'm trying to decide which coaster to make my 100....I'm deciding between: Superman Ultimate Flight, Bizzaro and El Toro.

    Also, congrats man, I'm at 48 and I'm going to Funtown Splashtown to get my 50, can't wait and trust me I care!

  4. I don't know a thing about photography but I love that Tilt shift photography, I have a question about it though...why are the boarders of the pictures blurry? Is there a way to make it so it's not blurry around the borders yet still be tilt shift or is that just something that comes with making tilt shift pics. Anyways awesome pics Biker


    No that's the only way tiltshift will work!

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