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Posts posted by biker7766

  1. Ryan's Semi-Daily Diaries.


    I went to the park today for a few hours, the crowds were kind of heavy for a Monday.

    Skyscreamer had about a 40-45 minute wait all day long or at least until 4.

    The Ferris Wheel's line started at about 5 minutes, but by the time I left it had become a 20 minute wait. One thing that I noticed about the Skyscreamer queue line that I had never really seen, was that ever so often people would jump into the Flash Pass line and then meet up attempt to meet up with family or just to simply get on the ride quicker.

    I noticed Batman The Ride had about an hour or so line and Dark Knight seemed to have a 25 minute line.

    Rolling Thunder had a 25 minute line around 12:15.

    Safari had a long 2 hours and 30 minute wait, and then died down a little as the day went on.

    Also something that shocked me today, was how Skull Mountain had a 30 minute wait within a half an hour of opening! Thats very rare!

    Also, unfortunate news, El Toro is still closed.

  2. Yes El Toro is still down for the count.

    I'm going to probably start a new sort of daily thing that ill do to give brief updates on the park!


    Ryan's Semi-Daily Diaries

    I went to the park yesterday, Saturday, and I picked up a Gold Flash Pass. It was quite crowded and I was only at the park for a few hours, so I was only able to ride 5 rides.

    Dark Knight x1

    Nitro x2

    Skull Mountain x1

    Kingda Ka x1


    I had a nice day considering that I was only there for 3 hours, but on a crowded day, in my opinion, that is quite a good selection of rides conquered.

  3. Do you plan on purchasing the Flash Pass at Six Flags?

    If so, you really only need one day.

    If not, you may only need one day. If it is too crowded for your liking you can always go buy the Regular option and upgrade later in the day, if you feel it is needed.

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