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Posts posted by chargersmichael

  1. A - Apollo's Chariot

    B - Bizarro

    C - Cheetah Hunt

    D - Dragon Challenge

    E - El Toro

    F - Fahrenheit

    G - Gatekeeper

    H - Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit

    I - Intimidator 305

    J - Journey to Atlantis

    K - Kingda Ka

    L - Loch Ness Monster

    M - Millennium Force

    N - Nitro

    O - NONE

    P - NONE

    Q - NONE

    R - Revenge of the Mummy

    S - Skyrush

    T - Top Thrill Dragster

    U - NONE

    V - Volcano: The Blast Coaster

    W - Wicked Twister

    X - NONE

    Y - NONE

    Z - NONE

  2. 1) Millennium Force - Cedar Point

    2) Skyrush - Hersheypark

    3) Top Thrill Dragster - Cedar Point

    4) Kingda Ka - Six Flags Great Adventure

    5) Maverick - Cedar Point

    6) El Toro - Six Flags Great Adventure

    7) Apollo's Chariot - Busch Gardens Williamsburg

    8) Storm Runner - Hersheypark

    9) Nitro - Six Flags Great Adventure

    10) Incredible Hulk - Islands of Adventure


    It's also in my signature

  3. I stopped by the park the other day at Islands of Adventure, there are a lot of Jurassic World posters in the Thunder Terrace restaurant area. Also, the Raptor Encounters were pretty long but wow is that neat to see in person!


    Also, after the installment of the metal detectors, it seems that they got the hang of operating everything with them and things have been running pretty smoothly. It is very easy to get a locker and just go through the metal detectors. At first I thought it was going to be a pain but it really isn't now they've been doing it for some time now.

  4. Those restraints are wider though...therefore making the trains wider than the ones they have now. I don't see how that would work.


    Personally, I hope the Hulk doesn't get the vest restraints. I like it how it is now. I actually like these B&M restraints better than the vest ones. These don't press down on you the whole ride. And they don't get tighter and tighter as the ride goes on. While the vest restraints don't have headbanging...I actually like how the Hulk is a little bit rough in places. To me it adds to the ride.

  5. I'm gonna be down at Universal on probably the 13th and 14th or 15th. I remember hearing that the Incredible Hulk will be undergoing some upkeep and I'm curious if anyone knows if the ride will be open these days? Also, is the fast pass worth getting if I only have two days to be at both parks?

    I know that they are replacing the launch motors, however this is rumored to be after peak season, but no one really knows when exactly. I'd assume you would be fine those days. Also, has anyone hear the rumors of replacing the launch system and trains to LIM with new trains with different restraints?


    ^I only heard that the launch motors were being replaced.


    I don't know why they would change the the trains and have new restraints. What new trains and what new restraints? Where did you hear this?

  6. I can't believe that any enthusiasts really care about the T3 opening.


    It's probably cuz it's opening in a park that has only 2 other big coasters, neither of which invert.


    That still doesn't explain why an enthusiast would care. The general public might care about an inverting coaster, but enthusiasts should not be enthused by an SLC to be point of clamoring about an opening date.


    Personally, I'm curious to see how it rides with the new trains and new restraints. While I'm not completely interested in this ride, I am curious to see how well it does with the new trains and the public at Kentucky Kingdom.


    Also, some enthusiasts might want the coaster to open so they can get the credit if they already didn't ride T2

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