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Posts posted by chargersmichael
The VooDoo one sounds exactly like Deathwater Bayou at Howl-O-Scream last year. It had the VooDoo Queen, a New Orleans theme, a swamp, and a bunch of different creatures.
As much I want to see a verbolten down here I think cheetah hunt fills that category I've got to work tonight but I will get to the park tomorrow for night shots of pantopia. Another big idea would be to move all the parking over to the other side with a parking garage and expand Egypt and the marekeesh with a new entrance as well.(Mark Rose are you listening?)
THIS! I also want the entrance area to get completely redone. I think a Parking Garage would suit the park really well. I think Egypt deserves an expansion with a new kind of ride. It really was Montu and...that's it
I can see Twister leaving soon but I would kinda like to see Woody Woodpecker Zone, Curious George, E.T., and that whole area to get redone.
I feel like that if Six Flags was better at trying to get its new additions opened earlier like in April and May...there will be a better result for attendance.
Universal definitely planned it out better by blocking FL Residents and Power APs until August 15th. It really helps with the crowds. Also, Hogwarts was a walk on for me when I went on the Saturday it first opened. Also I count Escape from Gringotts. It has a roller coaster section and again even though it is short...people count the smallest kiddie coasters as a credit.
1) Skyrush
2) Sheikra/Griffon
1) El Toro
2) Thunderhead
^Wow! There was no wait to get into Diagon Alley at 1PM? It seems as though that crowds are leveling out now. One thing to note though is that FL Residents and Power Passholders are blocked through August 14th.
Also, I got to ride it when both stations were running too and there were no breakdowns until the second to last scene of the ride when we didn't do the final launch or whatever happens there.
Hey everyone! I have a short trip report and figured I'd plop it in here.
So I finally made my first visit across the border into Ontario to Canada's Wonderland!
I visited the park for a few hours each day from Monday 7/21/14 - Thursday 7/24/14, and I can definitely say that overall, I was quite pleased with the park. The park was very clean, restrooms (or "washrooms" to the Canadians) were spotless and well maintained. Food prices were average (gotta love that 15% off Season Pass perk, and all rides were up and running very well. Staff was friendly (for the most part).
Ride Reviews:
•Wonder Mountain's Guardian (1x) - Waited about 30mis. It was good, but the quality of the video screens and the theming of the ride did not seem all that well done. It was absolutely a fun ride, but it would have been a total let down without the drop section at the end. 6/10
•Leviathan (6x) - Awesome ride! The speed is insane and the airtime is a bonus! I like how this ride traverses close to the ground at a few points, as the close proximity heightened the sense of speed. Definitely re-rideable and the total gem of the park! 10/10
•Behemoth (4x) - The speed obviously isn't on par with Leviathan, but the airtime was great (from all seats, even front row), and the length of the ride is a plus! It's a quality ride, and totally re-rideable. At some points the line for this was longer than Leviathan. 9/10
•Backlot Stunt Coaster (1x) - Short, but packs a punch. As the only true "launched" coaster at Wonderland, it definitely fills a void, yet is still family-friendly I think. The restraints weren't all that comfortable, but the ride was still enjoyable. 6/10
•Dragon Fire (1x) - Sat in the front row, and did enjoy it a bit. Restraints weren't too comfortable, and I really dislike that Arrow "whip" on the turns. The loops were incredibly forceful as always. 5/10
•Drop Tower (0x) - It broke down while I was in line, so I decided to head over to Leviathan instead. The drop did look pretty strong though!
•Flight Deck (0x) - Sat down in my seat at about 9:30pm, and it closed due to lightning in the area. I think I was spared though. This thing looked brutal. I could see the heads smashing the harnesses from the ground. Yikes! New trains please!
•Mighty Canadian Minebuster (2x) - Rode in the front seat twice, and thoroughly enjoyed both of my rides! A few bumps a long the way, but the layout was paced well and that helix at the end was intense, but not too rough! Definitely re-rideable in the front seat at least. 7/10
•Wild Beast (1x) - Rode in the middle. Wow this thing SUCKED. It tracked horribly, and not one person seemed to really enjoy their ride, unfortunately. It has potential to be a nice little woody, but it's not up to par sadly. 4/10
•Vortex (2x) - I really enjoyed this ride, though it made me a bit dizzy! There is some unpleasant back-and-forth movement around the turns, but nothing strong enough to severely diminish the quality of the ride. This thing swung like crazy, and appeared to be very popular despite its age. Definitely re-rideable. 7/10
•Time Warp (1x) - Wow, this thing SUCKED! Head smashing over and over and over. Would look great as a pile of scrap metal. Unacceptable. 0/10
•Thunder Run (1x) - Cute. Families seemed to really enjoy it, though the theming was sub-par in my opinion. 5/10
•The Bat (0x) - I've been on Sidewinder's new train at Hershey many times, and didn't feel like ruining my opinion of boomerangs since it has the old trains, so I skipped this one.
•SkyRider (2x) - All I can saw is WOW, I WAS IMPRESSED! I know many people have posted negative things about this ride, but I found it to be the best stand-up I've ever ridden (only others I've experienced are GL at SFGadv and RR at SFMM). The airtime, if that's what you call it on a StandUp, was INSANE and my feet were repeatedly off the floor! I found the restraints to be comfortable and I just loved the whole experience overall! 9/10
So that's everything I rode! Unfortunately I didn't ride SledgeHammer or Psyclone as I can't spin or swing without feeling nauseated.
Thanks for reading!
Some pictures:
Nice pictures! Looks like I need to head to Canada's Wonderland someday
^I don't see how Lap Bars could work on Floorless trains with...no floor. But yes I think a restraint like Skyrush or even Mack's restraints would be really cool for B&M to try.
Now I feel like Hyena Falls is really out of place now
It is kind of amusing to see the reactions from the ride release as it seemed most people were..."I really hope it is not a B&M Wing Coaster" and now everyone is sticking up for the wing coaster if someone bashes the new ride.
Opening last weekend of April!
0 to 60 in 3.5! B&M First Launch!
Mine is working really well!
Wow it feels like last week this thread was at page 550! Lots of posts! Lots of speculation! I'm excited for this announcement.
I feel like I am the only one who would be very happy if Holiday World got a wing coaster
^I'm with you too! People just keep on bashing Wing Coasters and I'm sure that whatever Holiday World is bringing ashore will be a real hit! Wing Coasters provide unique experiences. It seems that people complain that B&M isn't intense anymore...a roller coaster doesn't need to be intense with the most powerful G's to be an outstanding coaster. It seems that the overall look on roller coasters nowadays is..."it just seems to barely go through every element...too slow...not intense..." I judge roller coasters once I ride them and sometimes the ones that aren't as intense are the better ones for me.
I honestly will be surprised with whatever Holiday World is creating but I believe it will be a Wing Coaster of some type due to the latest clues and pictures of the clouds.
Based on the past 2 Days of the 66 Days Clues...it basically tells you it will be a wing coaster of some type. Also, look at the pictures of the clouds...kind of looks like a wing coaster train.
Scorpion at Busch Gardens FTW!
I honestly am going into this announcement expecting to be surprised of what it actually will be. Everyone could be completely wrong or right! Who knows...all I can say is I'm excited.
Would anyone prefer the vest restraints on Maverick compared to the OTSRs? I would...
^I agree as well! However, I feel that once the trees grow in, you won't see the show building from that angle...only Hogwarts itself.
Personally I would like to see shockwave go and a small family coaster or dark ride or even a few flat rides to be put in shock waves old spot.
This. I also believe Shockwave needs to go. Something better should replace it
^It went immediately to my Top 5! I thought it was amazing! Back Row was amazing! I didn't get to ride the front but I'm sure it was amazing
Also, for the coaster portion...it feels so much faster than it looks.
See' date=' and that's interesting you would say that because I actually felt the coaster section went SLOWER than it looked. Not that I'm complaining, but I when I watched this video (keeping in mind I've only been on the ride once), I thought to myself "I don't remember it going that fast at all!"
To me, the coaster section felt a LOT like the drop on Pirates of the Caribbean with a short S-curve. I liked it, but it's not much of a coaster section.[/quote']
I was basically on it twice as my first ride broke down right before that second/last launch thing or whatever it is. We were given a free ride once returned to the station. 2 rides from a 45 minute wait in single rider and then we got to ride together second time! Pretty cool
Anyway, it could have been I was so excited to try out the new ride that it felt fast to me. I think I was just so into the storyline as I am a fan of Harry Potter that I got really excited for the ride. Do you think it is better in the front car or the back car? Both rides I was in the front car so maybe it was that wind or whatever that felt fast. Mummy also feels really fast to me so idk.
Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread
in Theme Parks, Roller Coasters, & Donkeys!
Whatever Hersheypark is adding next year...it looks to be very interesting! Can't wait for the announcement!