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Posts posted by chargersmichael

  1. Well thank you so much about all of the information! I just get more and more excited for it! Magnum in the back sounds awesome. I will probably aim for the Front or back of Raptor. I am definitely wanting to do a front and back of Millennium Force and I want a front row of Top Thrill Dragster. I'll probably do front and back of Wicked Twister. Front of Maverick. Front and back of Gatekeeper (one on one side and one on the other). Front of Blue Streak. Front of Mean Streak (if I even want to ride it).


    If there is one thing I'm worried about it is the weather. Hopefully the rain and wind won't be a factor on my trip!


    Again thank you all for all of this advice! Very excited for June!

    I would also strongly recommend a back row ride on Maverick as well cause even though Maverick is amazing in the front the back is really good on this ride as I feel you are thrown over the first drop giving amazing airtime.


    Noted! I do plan on doing some re-rides on some of these. I'll definitely try out the back!

  2. Well thank you so much about all of the information! I just get more and more excited for it! Magnum in the back sounds awesome. I will probably aim for the Front or back of Raptor. I am definitely wanting to do a front and back of Millennium Force and I want a front row of Top Thrill Dragster. I'll probably do front and back of Wicked Twister. Front of Maverick. Front and back of Gatekeeper (one on one side and one on the other). Front of Blue Streak. Front of Mean Streak (if I even want to ride it).


    If there is one thing I'm worried about it is the weather. Hopefully the rain and wind won't be a factor on my trip!


    Again thank you all for all of this advice! Very excited for June!

  3. ^Thank you so much! I honestly have no idea about some of their rides at Cedar Point and Gemini looked pretty interesting on how they seem to race each other. If the line is super long I probably won't do it. I will have 2.5 days there and want to get everything done that I want to get done and lots of re-rides. As for Magnum, I've heard of some mixed reviews of the ride from the restraints to some roughness. But it's a giant coaster over 200 feet and I kind of want to ride it haha. Thanks for the advice!

  4. I am visiting Cedar Point this summer and I was a little worried from some of the reviews from Maverick with the head-banging...but now...I just can't wait to ride over and over again!


    You're going to have to wait. That ride has the longest lines in the park!


    I'm staying at Hotel Breakers for 2 nights and will be at the park for 3 days. I will be able to ride it multiple times haha. CAN'T WAIT!

  5. ^This plot of land is in not next to the theme parks. It is in between Cabana Bay and I-4. I believe this will be very successful for Universal. I do believe that they will probably close down Wet N Wild and maybe bring some of their better slides to the new park. I'm personally very happy with this as I love water parks and Universal. This is just a great mix. My only real question is parking. Is there going to be a separate parking lot for this Volcano water park or will you still park in the Parking Garage at CityWalk. Maybe a shuttle service to the water park perhaps?

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