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  1. WTF! This rule sucks... It's propably meant to get some upload's on your exchange... If a forum acts like this that means it will lose members, and because of this rule and the other just stupid rules, I actualy don't feel welcome. I'm new to this forum but not to RCT3 and other forums, I now where a forum is about and what reaches the limit. And these **** rules do reach the limit. If you want to keep a forum rolling you will have to get normal rules and actualy make them more like guidelines. I have expirience the the creation of site's and I now what brings people to it. But if you are acting like this... But please people, now get this conversation over to PM's!
  2. I mean how many downloads it has over at every forum. But now realy:
  3. I love you Krypt! It's so freakin awesome that you can do this. BTW, can't wait to see how the full track is on-ride.
  4. The Game Exchange does this too. But now back on topic.
  5. @QueerRudie I never upload file's as an attachment because I want to now how many downloads it has. And I hate calculating these things. So mediafire helps alot with this job. @B.A.B. I'm a newbie to this forum but I'm already playing RCT3 for many years. But I just started using CSO etc. a year and half ago.
  6. I realy can't wait untill 2011! I'm in love with this park, the detail, the effort put into it, ... Everything fits so good! I was following this project aleady for months on SGW but shame on me that I never commented before. I realy need to comment some more on projects because this one is amazing! You get this one: This park is holy!
  7. I'm working on a park, but there is still so many work on it. It can propably be even a month before I'm showing this park on the forums.
  8. Hello everyone, I'm new on here and I would like to make a blowing enter on this site, so here ya go... In this topic I show the best of my work, and when I sai the best of my work I mean the best of my work. So, let us begin with an old park: A coaster named "Romulus", I made this one some months ago for a copetition, I ended up on the second place: The onride of this coaster: Python Concept: And my most recent Custom's: Python CTR: recolorable: Millenium Flyer CTR: Themed: Recolorable: ADMIN EDIT: LINKS REMOVED. PLEASE NOTE TPR'S TOS REGARDING POSTING LINKS: 14. Posting Links or "Spamming" - You must have at least 50 posts if you want to create a post which sole purpose is to link to your personal website, update, YouTube video, forum or any other website. If your post count is under 50 posts and your link has not be pre-approved by an admin or moderator, your link will be removed. Please note - links to your website in your signature are acceptable.
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