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Posts posted by Pacificoaster

  1. I am definitely putting my best effort into this park, so i would not go on to make the statement that I am "not trying" CC9. Although I am having a lot of fun building this park, and I am indeed striving for an accolade. As for the speculation that NE awards are "dumb," I would reconsider what you are saying there SoCal. The awards given by NE provide us parkmakers the insight to become better builders and designers. Many of the members over there, myself included, believe RCT is a means of artistic expression. The hatred toward the community over there is nonsense. If anything, you should be inspired by what many of them have done within the games limitations and not hold some sort of grudge against New Element.


    As for Starpointe, I hope to have an update soon. Thanks for all the support.

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