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Posts posted by Pacificoaster

  1. Well, I am glad I kept my expectations low. More or less, this coaster is centralized around that signature element and the coaster could be much longer. The layout could have easily came out of that top hat and banked down to the left and entered a few more airtime hills or hugging the terrain with some more nice banking, but as it stands it ends as, if not more, abruptly than Kingda Ka. It seems that you will be launched at a nice speed out of that tunnel but all of the energy is lost with brakes that start on the descent of the top hat. Regardless, it does look fun and I will be renewing my season pass.

  2. Another trip to Magic Mountain this morning. I was registered for ERT on Lex Luthor from 930 AM to 1030 AM but the ride was experiencing some technical difficulties that delayed its opening. Therefore, there was no ERT this morning but the park gave out exit clearance passes that were good for one ride during the day. Nonetheless, I used my exit clearance and rode again using the single rider line.


    Ride List:

    Tatsu x2

    Apocalypse x5


    Lex Luthor x2


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