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Posts posted by Sidra
Who is going today? My softball game is canceled. If I left now I wouldn't make it for opening though.
It's sad that Robb is in the Carribean the day they open the ride to the public
I don't think Robb's minding that too much right now. I know I wouldn't be.
I know we have it bad dont we?
Gah, I want to go tomorrow, but I got a softball game right smack in the middle of the day. Looks like if I go at all it will be Monday for me with the tweeny bopper crowd who all have the day off of school.
I'll probably be popping by with my little one for a couple hours this weekend. Great reports guys. And darn technic is still down perfect time of the year for it but its one of the few things I enjoy riding at the park.
Awesome report Big Mike. Can't wait to meet you at WCB. I'll be looking for ya.
Oh good point, I didn't read the dates on facebook! Hrm... to go or not to go... that is the question...
Oh no, you said vagina and offended me! And my 8 year old thinks KidTums was flipping us off.
Yeah... I think I will be happy to wait until next month and all us TPRer's can ride it together. If its on facebook the park will be crowded. Depends if my brother wants to go or not though... was also considering a sledding trip this weekend to visit some snow (also a very crowded activity).
Yeah I'm pretty sure all us passholders got that email. But its definitely weather permitting. And the only day that looks like its not going to rain this weekend is Monday. I'm waiting to see what the weather is like before I chance driving 2 hours.
That ship looks amazing. I never even considered taking a cruise until seeing the reports on TPR. Awesome pictures.
ACK! Attack of the watermark again! Still... loving the look of that coaster. Think I might need to find a way out to Texas.
Just to repeat what everyone else has said. I used to go to TJ regularly 10-15 years ago. I wouldn't even think about it right now. There is no law in Mexico right now and as others have said, its very sad because most of the people are good, honest, hard working people with a rich culture. The drug lords and the gangs are running the country. Its dangerous even for the people living there. Right now even walking lines to cross the border can be in excess of an hour right now, both inbound and outbound. The car waits can be three hours.
"Technology is what allows me to go to the parks AND keep up with the Laker games" (DJeXeL)
Actually, that's unfortunate it's really annoying to have to listen to people in line cheering for their team and talking about the game. Some of us go to parks to escape the whole sports scene.
It's that same mentality that has stopped me from going to the movies. People just can't stop yakking and texting and calling for a mere two hours to enjoy something. The whole concept of multi-tasking at work has crept into our social lives as well. We can't focus on and enjoy one thing to its fullest.
Yeah I'm guilty as charged, though I realized it a while ago and have gotten better. I can't have my phone with me at work (in a call center for a cell phone company... ) so I go all day without it M-F, but I know I'm on it too much when I'm out on the weekends. I did manage to go all day Sunday without it, had a three and a half hour softball practice and then went to Legoland and I left it in the car. I think I'm going to start swapping from my Samsung Vibrant to a cheap candy bar phone with no internet on it at parks from now on anyway. Just to receive (or gasp; make) emergency calls. Two birds one stone, not distracted and I dont have to worry about losing it and or water/physical damage. If it gets lost I just get a new sim card to slap in my pretty Vibrant if need be.
Awesome pictures, can't wait for WCB this year.
lol wow, this thread just made my horrible monday not seem so bad. Thank you TPR!! I like the guys pictures too, damn shame he can't listen to constructive criticism
Big Mike, I would like to enter the contest because my favorite part of The Big Mike Road Show is seeing Big Mike's huge grin at all the parks of the world.
Sit Down! Sit Down! Knotts knows how to do it. Oh well, never been to Magic Kingdom
Any idea what area of the country? I think the best bang for your buck is california just because there are so many parks and you can start out at Disneyland and build up to the big boy rides at sfmm.
Amazing pictures, thanks for sharing, can't wait for updates.
I'm way behind in posting about my Bag of Crap from September 2010 so I figure I'll add to it.
Nice International Bag of Crap. Maps and brochures from Trivoli, Port Aventura, Hakkaidou Greenland, and Disney's California Adventure. Of course there was also a pen in there and mints and some little trinket that my kid ran off with and it disappeared.
So today I was thrilled when I had two packages in the mail, not bags of crap, but plenty of crap in them. I ordered a Terminator Salvation shirt for the little one from the store and recently joined Club TPR and here's what I got today.
New Maps! Camelot, Kings Dominion, Liseberg.
TPR The Magazine Issue 2 on DVD.
Terminator Shirt for the little one, her first TPR shirt. Club TPR card and lanyard. Club TPR shirt and SF tattoo.
New pens from today and a Holliwood Nights poster for this summer.
You guys are awesome, thanks for all the crap!
Yes, I remember a Coyote and even a Bear for awhile in the petting zoo cages and along the Granny Gran Prix route.
Yay! I'm not crazy. I was beginning to wonder after the week I've had at work. I did forget about the gran prix until you mentioned it though. Good times.
Amazing pictures... *sigh* I miss you corkscrew... you still look awesome. I know the ride itself pales to most rides we have now but just look at that corkscrew... its gorgeous...
Very nice, very cool area.
The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread
in Theme Parks, Roller Coasters, & Donkeys!
Ah glad I'm waiting until tomorrow. Hope things open up then but if not no big deal. At legoland right now and it's the most crowded I've seen it on a sunday in a long time.