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Posts posted by Sidra
Half my tickets bought, waiting on the kids reply for Sunday, hotel booked. Haven't been to West Coast Bash for a few years, getting excited!
Wow, what an amazing trip. You got to experience something very few people have, looked so amazing. What camera were you using by the way? Those pictures looked really nice.
Nice report, I really want to get back to SFOT. We loved this park, it's big and flat and was just wonderful.
Please. I use straps from Walmart. 8 bucks and they work perfectly
Question for MM regulars!)
I would run to Tatsu first ......
I appreciate your reply, thank you!
We went to MM on Friday. We drove from Phoenix, had lunch and checked in our hotel before getting to the park. So it was close to 4 when we got there. We were incredibly lucky with wait times. My husband was with me and he just isn't able to do rides the way he used to. We get to Magic Mountain every couple of years but used to go much more in our 20's.
We did:
- -Goliath - loved it, it shook my hubby up a bit, he used to love that ride.
- -I rode the Bucaneer fun!
- -I did the Drop of Doom for the first time, loved it! Didn't use single rider but didn't need to. It was a 5 minute wait.
- -I did Batman - that shook me up more than I remembered!
- -We did Apocalypse. I had read that it was a rough ride these days so I was worried what my husband would think. He loved it! We rode closer to the front on Friday. No fire.
- -I did Tatsu, the line was so short! Just a 5 minute wait! Loved it.
- -I did X2, another short wait, about 5 minutes! Loved it, such a fun ride! I rode next to a guy who was riding for the first time which made it fun, too. No fire effect.
- -The scare zones were so cool. Definitely enjoyed those.
- -We did Ninja
- -We were going to do Superman but the line was long and we needed to use the restroom. So we had to go back down the hill since the restroom up there is boarded up?
- -We got some fried food and beer at YOLOcoaster bar.
- -We did some of the Haunted Mazes. The Aftermath was really good. We did Willoughby's a few years ago, it was still good. I really liked Toyz of Terror - those 3D glasses really enhanced the effect!
- -We were pretty tired so we called it a night.
- -We came back Saturday morning about 10 minutes before opening and, DAMN, it was PACKED. I was able to show my Discover to use the short entrance.
- -We went straight to YOLOcoaster! It was so great. I had purposely never watched any videos of the ride because I wanted to be surprised. I had no idea how fun it would be! My husband really liked it. He almost backed out but he's glad he went.
- -We went back up the hill to ride Superman finally (we haven't rode it since 2008! So we've never experienced it facing down) and the ride kept going down. We would wait out each "down time" and the ride would go again. Then it would go down. Finally after 50 minutes we were next in line! And then they announced it's down and closed, go ride something else. So we never got to ride it.
- -We opted to try to get one more Apocalypse ride. I forgot about it only running one train. The wait was long, probably 45 minutes, in the sun. We were smack dab in the middle this time. I thought the ride was the same in roughness as the day before but my husband said he thought it was worse! We did get the fire effect though.
- -We called it a day after that.
Since we got season passes during the Labor Day sale we'll actually come back next year after Twisted Colossus opens. Colossus was always one of our favorite rides, especially backwards during Fright Fest!
We processed our season passes at the gate, like some of the other posters said. It also worked as a parking pass the first day. I know previous posters had asked if it would work for parking. It does.
When I purchased the gold passes I also bought the "Season Pass Digital Photo Uploads" plan. I wasn't sure if that would be worth it or not but decided to give it a shot. I was a little bummed after I purchased it because I thought it was only for the 2014 season. But once I got it at the park I saw that it was good for 2015, too. It was $34.99. We got our photos taken twice in the park and I also purchased the YOLOcoaster coaster photo. So I spent $6 on adding my photos. So it wasn't that great of a value, but, since I can use it next year it may work out to be a good value. We will bring our son with us next year, he'll be 11, but he still won't ride most of the rides.
Thanks for all the tips here. I enjoy reading this forum and all the updates to the park.
Great Report, welcome to the forums!
Really really cool. Nice report!
The best ride I ever had on Ghostrider at KBF was on a very damp, foggy, dewy morning, about 52 degrees in November. It was like a completely different coaster and I've been chasing that ride ever since, haven't been back there for the same conditions again. 2 more weekends until free Knotts admission...
Morgan and I went to SFMM yesterday too. She was off of school and I decided to take a day off of work (even though I ended up getting paid half the day from answering emails while in line, ugh).
We took the same pictures of TC that everyone else did so I'll just post some of our others. Morgan is now 12 and a half years old and she told me she's big enough now to go to Fright Fest, but not do any mazes. I seriously doubted this when she said it and offered that she could just tell me when she wants to leave at any time. I know my daughter well... more on that below.
On the way, Morgan taking a selfie.
We arrived late for us, around 11:30 from San Diego, neither of us wanted to get up to an alarm that morning and I knew it wasn't going to be too crowded on a Friday. We 'processed' our 2015 gold memberships (bought for $6/month during labor day). This new processing consisted of taking the print out from the website to the front gate, scanning our fingers and being handed a pass with our names hand written on them. A cheesy looking pass, but it was the fastest I've ever been processed and the finger scanners actually worked when we went through.
It had been a long time since we've been on X2 so we headed over there, this was the longest line of the day at 30 minutes, but provided some interesting in line entertainment. There was a pack of teenage nerds with their DC shirts and capes on, hooting and hollering at anyone else wearing a comic shirt (myself included). I'm a nerd, but it's always interesting to see the packs of young nerds together, they seem invincible.
Then there was this guy...I usually try and avoid taking embarrassing pictures of people I don't know, but I couldn't resist this one (and it came out really crappy on my cell phone with and crack over the lens that I just noticed yesterday).
Duct Tape
We also saw a pumpkin duckie thrown into fenced off area and I immediately thought of Big Mike and the good ol' days when he'd hide duckies for us to find.
Big Mike?
X2 was almost smooth for our ride, from the right side of the loading station on train one, 4th row.
We headed up the hill, skippping viper and revolution and I got convinced to go on Roaring Rapids... of course I was the one who got soaked and stayed that way in wet denim until we left. My jeans are not this dark.
Soaked from Roaring Rapids
There was theming around, though not even close to the volume that Disney does, and not cute like Disney.
Some theming
So we did a circuit: X2, Roaring Rapids, Apocalypse, ate a snack, Riddler's, Batman, looked at TC and skipped Scream, Goliath, Full Throttle (10 minute wait), went to the car to get sweatshirts, up the hill, Ninja, Superman. Then bought tickets for Fright Feast. This was interesting: couldn't take pictures during the show. It was a buffet dinner, the food was ok, on par with average six flags crap. It was $20 a plate, I figure we usually pay about $16 a plate in the park and this included a show. The show was from illusionist Michael Turco, who was on America's Got Talent at one time in the past.
I was a decent show, but the show kept you in your seat so you didn't go back to the buffet line. Something to keep in mind if you do it. Here is the menu from the six flags website. Buffet items feature all their family secret recipes:
Pa-Willoughby’s boneless chicken wings and his special homemade wing sauces
Mama-Willoughby’s sinful salad bar
Cousin Primo’s Pizza bar featuring his annual party favorite: Tri-Tip Pizza
Innocence’s pasta with tomato & basil she grew in her haunted garden
Grandma Willoughby’s signature pie and desserts
Also includes soft drinks, coffee, and tea.
They had scare actors while you waited in line to get the buffet, this is where I knew Morgan wasn't going to make it long in Fright Fest. I didn't get a picture of the actor that freaked her out cause I was busy consoling my child. She was ok with all but one, a 'girl' zombie who was about the same height as Morgan with gray/white contacts in. She was good, she only moved her eyes and feet, the rest of the zombies would talk a bit, but she stayed so completely in character. Poor kid...
Creeped out.
Out of the buffet and it was getting dark, headed back down the hill and rode Apocalypse again, then Jet Stream in the dark,gold rushers in the dark, then clutched Morgan's hand through a scare zone, got to Riddlers, then to the DC area where my favorite scare zone was. My camera sucks, but they had the fog thick over here and everyone was dressed as Harley and Joker themed clowns. Again, pictures were few and far between as I couldn't let go of Morgan's hand and my camera sucks (need an iPhone 6, no kidding). She was really fine and wanted to stay to ride rides.
DC area
.So we went on batman, flash, shared a dole whip, goliath and decided to call it a night after riding revolution. Got home at 1am and here she is at 11am still.
Still Asleep
About once a week I'll pull up TPR's channel on my phone and cast it to my living room tv via Chromecast. I do this because watching on my phone or even iPad is just too small for anything but a quick fix. The channel is excellent on tv, it's a family event, we don't watch a lot of tv, but we cruise through a few of our subscribed channels new videos and then go check out the trending ones.
BTW, thank you for positing the Frozen ice show that we watched this week... I hadn't heard "Let it Go" enough yet...
I wish i wasn't missing it this year,dang parenting stuff I got to do. We have multiple softball games next weekend. For anyone that hasn't been before, you're in for an amazing time. Have fun.
Agreed about the Labor Day Season Pass sale. Is anyone opting for the membership, though? Other than the monthly payment part, is a benefit of the membership that you can lock in pricing and benefits for years to come?
i don't really see the benefit of the membership. well, that's coming from someone who buys their pass during the sales, which happen every year. last few years it's been, buy 4 and get parking and upgrade to gold. they even sent me the opportunity to buy more a few months ago as singles for the same price of $72. so there is a little discount. lol
but i do know they've done the gold upgrade thing with parking for a number of years.
the membership requires a $20 deposit to get the $5.85 a month price. the deposit being kept until you stop the membership. i'd rather them keep you in a contract for 2 years like cell service and it be a little cheaper than their sales on gold passes.
either way, i'll get it this weekend. it's sometimes a pain to find at least 2 other people to buy 4 when they do those sales.
The benefit to membership? Not having to stand in the pass processing line every year! $6 a month for me is not buying two iced teas at Starbucks. I think $72 a year for a gold pass is a good deal and I don't even have to think about it at the monthly price, or standing in that god awful processing line.
No here's hoping security doesn't flag my pass because I upgraded and disable it. (This happened with no word when we flew to Six Flags Over Texas for the New Texas Giant bash).
Meanwhile... the Labor Day Sale is awesome. I was able to get Gold passes for $57 this season from a 'special' invite (that I'm sure most subscribers got).
where did this come from? subscriber? i'm cheap like that and wouldn't mind saving a little more.
They first sent me the offer around spring break. It was a letter from Bonnie (not at all personalized; form letter) saying something to the affect of 'we noticed you haven't been to the park this year, he's an offer for you. It had a link embedded in the email that couldn't be shared that gave me the option to buy up to 3 gold passes for $57. I didn't bite at that time, but they sent me another in late June and it was my kid's birthday and she asked to go to SFMM for her birthday, so I bought 2 passes.
I don't think I expected them to double the original length, but I think this is a much shorter ride than it looks in the mockup, consider two lift hill times and the ride is under 4 minutes.
Also, I don't think their spring target will be hit (June 2014).
I may eat these words after winter, but we are gearing up for a real el nino winter the strength of which we haven't seen since 1998. There will be many weather delays and I project a July opening. I hope I'm wrong though, I hate going to six flags in July.
I like the looks of this new coaster, it looks like a Green Lantern, X2 hybrid. I want to visit SFFT next summer, mostly to hit up Iron Rattler, but this looks fun. They all can't be the 'biggest, tallest, fastest'
Has anyone heard what the height restriction for this will be?
I'm curious because KT helped some of the S&S Engineers see how smaller kids fit in the restraints when we rode the prototype!
How tall is KT now? She looks like she's edging up towards 48"
I've watched the video from all the Six Flags announcements today many times over. I won't even get into them calling a flat ride a coaster...
I've been on the first hybrid NTAG and it's amazing, it's aggressive and smooth and has amazing air time and surprises...
I knew they would redo Colossus but I find I'm disappointed in what came out. And like many of you, confused... how do you take a coaster that was 4300ft, make it a dual run and it's only about 5000ft. Four minutes of ride time... how much spent on the lift hill you go up twice? The appeal of this coaster is the interaction part and I think most of us here can agree that it wont happen with Six Flags ops.
I do feel like a spoiled child in my reaction though. I wanted this new video game, but I wanted the collector's edition and only got the standard.
I'm excited to have a RMC hybrid at SFMM... I'd be a lot more excited to be getting a Wicked Cyclone.
Meanwhile... the Labor Day Sale is awesome. I was able to get Gold passes for $57 this season from a 'special' invite (that I'm sure most subscribers got). I'm trying to convert to a membership instead of the pass as you can get a Gold Pass upgrade for $5.85 a month, but the website is erroring out. Thought it was just firewalls at work, but I came home and tried to process the error same thing. I saw a tweet from them about it hours ago, they were aware of the issue and working on it, but there has been no change. Anyone else try to get a membership today?
2015: Clean the trashcans and handrails in queue lines.
2016: Very late opening for the RMC redone Colossus; start thinking about the 40th anniversary of Revolution, but not actually do anything about it.
2017: Remove Tidal wave and Viper
2018: Put in a real Giga in Viper's place
2019: Paint Scream
2020 - Parachute Tower themed to Mary Poppins
As crazy as that sounds... it just might work...
I know at some point where was a walkback of Colossus, right *Robb posted a pic from it earlier in this thread*? I couldn't find it, but I'm really curious to see fairly up close pictures of the old hills (that are still visible in the structure) ... I assume the removed the track there, right? And it's just the old supports that help highlight what used to be?
While I'm busy making requests for pictures, does anyone have a 1992 or 1993 aerial picture of the Colossus corner of the park? Specifically, I'm curious to see what that area looked like prior to Hurricane Harbor going in. It's been so long, now, that all I recall was the lake/pond that used to be there - and even that memory is faint at this point. I've found plenty of old aerials from the 70's and even 80's, but I'm curious to see what the "more filled in park" of the '90's looked like without Hurricane Harbor. (Crazy to think that there are now adults that ONLY know the park with Hurricane Harbor there!)
I have no aerial pictures from that time, but I remember the Grand Prix, the animals (always felt horrible for the coyotes they kept) etc where Goliath is now, and horrible Flashback being over there.
There's some decent images from video and pictures of old Magic Mountain.
It would be interesting for them to move the park entrance to that side of the park so it would be much closer for guests. Also that way you could enter beneath the new RMC Colossus in a similar way you go underneath Gatekeeper at Cedar Point. Would it also be possible to enter Hurricane Harbor from that side as well?
Yes, that would be nice. Even if they don't reroute the main gate, it would be nice if they put in a summer gate, or gate for pass holders over by scream.
What an epic trip. Really nice reading your reviews of rides. I haven't been on any of those east coast coasters (well except Goliath when it was Deja Vu), its one of the few coasters that scares me and I love it.
There was nothing in the back lot today except Ninja's old chopped up trees.
How do you deal with haters?
in Ask Alvey
People and what they choose to spend their time on is funny. I'm glad you enjoy it, loved the shirt you wore on Knotts day at WCB this year.
I have to say that packing meme was funny though, I lol'd