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coaster mindy

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  1. We are going this weekend, kind of worried about the weather.
  2. We are suppose to go this weekend but I wish we could wait till everything is up and running but we don't have another time to go.
  3. We are going next weekend, I have not been in years I hope that it will be fun and most of the rides will be up
  4. We are going for Memorial Weekend I can only hope for the best.
  5. Thanks for everyone's help but I'm going to go with Waldameer, making hotel plans this weekend so I can't change my mind. LOL
  6. Wow thanks for all the advice, my boy is 45 inches (he's tall for his age) so he can do just about all the kid coasters. I guess I should have said this before but Kings Dominion is my home park not that it matters but just wanted to throw that out there. I think right now my plan is to leave about 4am in the morning that puts us at Waldameer around lunch, spend a few hours there. Then drive to Sandusky check in at the Great Wolf and if we have time me and my boyfriend will hit Cedar Point leave my son at the hotel with mom, if we don't have time we will get a good night sleep and get to Cedar Point at 9am. This way we will have all day Saturday and Sunday in the park. This is what I think will work best for now I hope I don't change my mind again, only downside is I feel like I missed out on Diamonback but maybe another time. Kings Dominion had a good kids area for the most part so I don't feel to bad missing out on KI kid's area. I have never had such a hard time planning a trip before lol
  7. I just can't make my mind up on this. LOL My boyfriend is no help he says he will do whatever I pick. I will also hit my 100th coaster on this trip which will be Maverick at CP I have been on everything else but the kid coasters there. I feel like Waldmeer will not be as rushed for us which will be better for my son. We also have Plantium Passes for cedar fair so KI will not cost anything but food. I need someone to just make my mind up for me LOL
  8. Well I like coasters and more coasters I do perfer steel over wood, but I'm taking my 4 year old son with me and my mother as a babysitter and my boyfriend so I will have to give some on this trip it's not all about me this time, we must take time to do the kid stuff. I have never been to a smaller park like Waldameer so I'm not so sure what to expect. I do have Raven on my coaster list as a must do. Another reason I was thinking of doing Waldameer is we can hit it first so after two days of Cedar Point we can head home I'm not sure how my mother or son will handle this big trip. We have only done day trips with my son to parks. We will be staying at the Great Wolf at Cedar Point so my mom and son can just chill at the hotel when they are tired. thanks for your help
  9. If you had to pick one of these parks to go to which would you pick, Waldameer or Kings Island? Were going to Cedar Point for two days but I want to add in another day the plan was to go to Kings Island but now I'm thinking of Waldameer. I have been to KI once but it was years ago and I didn't ride everything. I have never been to Waldameer. If we do Waldameer which sounds better. IT's a 9 hour drive from home were going on memorial weekend, drive early friday morning get to Waldameer around lunch time, when were done drive to Sandusky for the night. Then have Saturday and Sunday at Cedar Point. or Go right to Cedar Point get there around Lunch on Friday and spend the rest of Friday at the park and all Day Saturday leave Sunday morning to drive to Waldameer and spend Sunday there.
  10. Thanks for the head's up, I think i'm going with the great wolf, it's close enough to the park to run back and forth plus the little one will have something to do incase of bad weather or if we leave them at the hotel. It's been hard trying to find a hotel I really want to stay at for this trip.
  11. Thanks again for the info everyone, I have not booked a hotel yet still trying to decide. I might just go with Great Wolf Lodge so I can leave the little one with his granny at times and they still have something to do. Great Wolf gives military discounts so that help, cedar fair doesn't give any military discounts.
  12. Thanks for the help we are going to do the trip it's our only chance to get up to Ohio this year.
  13. I have a few questions I hope someone will give me advice. We have platinum passes this year and we want to go to Cedar Point. I have only been one other time and it was years ago. My problem is the only time we can get 4 days off in row is the weekend of Memorial Day. My plans would be to hit Cedar Point Friday and Saturday then Kings island on Sunday. Am I crazy? Will it be worth the trip or not we have a 9 hour drive to get there. Next question is I need advice on where to stay, we are not going to stay with Cedar point, those prices are crazy for that weekend. I want a nice hotel that is in a good part of town. The other thing is my 4 year old son is going so my mom is coming along to babystit, there will be times where I take them back to the hotel when they are tired so it needs to be close by. How is the Great Wolf Lodge there, with military I can get the rooms there for around $160.00
  14. Would I be crazy to go to Cedar Point on Memorial Day Weekend. This is the only weekend I can go, we will be there Friday and Saturday then hit up Kings Island on Sunday. I will be taking my 4 year old son and my mom so we will have someone to stay with him while we go ride the big stuff. Do you think it's worth the trip or will it just be so packed we wont have a good time. I have not been to Cear Point in about 4 years. It's a 9 hour drive for us.
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