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Posts posted by DJeXeL

  1. I think you're all just jealous this guy noticed the dent faster than those of you that feel it necessary to post an update about every bolt tightened on the ride..nice to know Gerslager or however you spell their name use only the finest of materials for their multi million dollar rides seeing as how someone pointed out they painted over this dent in the manufacturing process. If I were on the receiving end of those parts I'll tell them to stuff it...you all are pathetic and sound like a bunch of 10 year olds. Get a life coaster nerds, you all act so elite about your vast knowledge of how.many inversions and feet of track there are on the ride yet none of you have built a coaster either so SHUT UP already...


  2. At one point someone said they are a "finger smacker" type device to warn you not to reach your hands out so far.. No idea how true that is but we pretty much stopped talking about it when we got that answer haha..


    To me they look like sensors but we were told a warning device to warn your hands and arms


    Sent from my MHA-L29 using Tapatalk


    A warning device is exactly what they are.

  3. ***Update***


    Appreciate the kind words from everyone here. I received a call from Tony Aaron, Director of Food Services, this morning, he was extremely apologetic and went above and beyond in terms of an apology and response to the situation. Cedar Point handled this with class and a true A+ in customer service. He offered to bring my boyfriend and I back for free and include fast lane and water park access. I doubt I'll be able to make it back this year due to work so he said he'd extend the invite to return to any year we can make it back. Very classy response. They identified the employee and spoke to him, and he ralyed the info that the employee felt terrible about the situation and immediately knew what he had done was a mistake.


    Excellent, Glad they took care of you. The world we live in is in a sad state.

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