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Posts posted by Pingu1651

  1. If you want to get soaked, go on snake river falls, or thunder canyon. Where is the option of going on a water ride and not having to ring your clothes out?


    You have no idea how much I agree with this statement. On a hot day, I want to cool off without being wet for the entire day. On CP's three water rides, you get soaked, soaked, and soaked. Now where can I just cool off?


    Answer: the mister in line for the Magnum.

  2. Sorry for bump!


    Mission Hill and The Boondocks. If you haven't heard of Mission Hill, go watch it! It's kind of like an intelligent, realistic Family Guy. It's hard to describe.


    Honorable Mentions: Spongebob (Hillenburg episodes), Phineas and Ferb, old The Office, Mythbusters, Nitro Circus, and the Rob Drydek shows (Fantasy Factory, & Big)

  3. Here's what's next:


    Photo TR: Six Flags Over Lake Toledo Eerie Adventure


    Seriously, what is the name of this park? Anyways, I heard there was some construction going on. I have a season pass so I decided to drop by. It was an average visit, but I more than got what I was looking for. I got some pictures, so here they are, I guess.


    When I entered the park, I took a ride on what I think is the park's crown gem, Lightning Bolt.


    Nice first drop.


    These hills are BURSTING with airtime!


    After LB, I went to the Zamperla Mad Mouse.


    It's average.


    The back country has really improved. It's not a parking lot anymore!


    B:TR. Pretty intense. It and Dust Bowl have the heighest height requirement in the park, 54 inches.


    First drop and black-out loop. Seriously, it's intense!




    Insert long coaster train joke.


    Here's the building cover the new ride parts.


    It's hard to see from here, but there are pink posts just beyone LB.


    But wait, what's that...


    BTW, I do realize it's 1994 when this TR was posted. It went to, uh... ACErs Monthly!

  4. Hello, I have a question about TPR shirts. How long do they generally take to ship? I put in an order on June 15th or so (during a trip; I believe they shipped on July 7th) and I haven't gotten my shirt yet. I feel like you may not have gotten my order because I lost connection at least three time during the transaction. Thanks!

  5. ^ Thanks a bunch! Trust me, you'll see some custom rides soon...


    July 1st, 1994.


    SF Over Lake Erie released four announcements today about the park.The first was that the park will operate on weekends past the normal closing date of September 10th. It will operate on weekends until Halloween (or the first weekend past Halloween), although there aren't any Halloween festivities planned for this year. Also, next year's season passholders will recieve a monthly newletter. It will include discounts on food, evnet notifications, and other news about the park. Thirdly, the park announced they will have a roller coaster enthusiast event next year. Guests with season passes will be able to enter for an additional fee, but guests with memberships to coaster enthusiast clubs will pay the normal park fee (or have free entry with a season pass). The last announcement is that the park will be getting a new thrill ride next year. The park hinted it won't appeal to guests with "acrophobia". That's all for now.

  6. Thanks. I've been reading some tuts and viewing other parks.


    Just a word about updates; I'll update every two to four days with a new year every week. I know I'm kind of rushing it, but I'm really bad at being patient while building parks.


    Oh, and I have a question for the experienced RCT2 users. I know you can change rides with 8cars, like making a swinging ship into a scrambler, but could you change a swinging ship into a custom ride like a chaos? Will it detect the ride in my ObjData folder or am I out of luck? Thanks!

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