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Posts posted by PennStater

  1. Honestly, I've been of the opinion that Hulk is very rough and quite unenjoyable for years now... including my latest visit in November. Given, I'm only at IOA every couple years so it's possible I always catch it on "bad days", but somehow I doubt that's the case.


    Thanks for the pictures, Robb... makes me wish I was back in Florida right now instead of 21-degree PA!

  2. Hersheypark posted an update on their Facebook page a few minutes ago regarding Skyrush:


    Hersheypark, in conjunction with the ride manufacturer, have decided to close Skyrush for the remainder of the season to allow for an earlier start on maintenance, overhaul, and testing. One such test you'll see today includes our friendly co-workers, the water-test crew, as they take the last official ride of the season while testing Skyrush.
  3. Not that I've ever lived anywhere else, but I have no problems with Pittsburgh. While some of the suburbs may be a little questionable, the city itself is quite nice, at least in my opinion. I have no strong desire to leave or anything like that (and I'm in a suburb). Besides, I'm not sure I could live with Kennywood not being my home park any more. On another note, if you haven't been to Kennywood lately, you should definitely pay the park a visit. If nothing else, a ride or two on Black Widow would likely make it well worth the visit. Just expect up to a two hour wait, depending on the day (or get a VIP Thrill Tour pass for Black Widow).

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