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Posts posted by PennStater

  1. I attribute the fast dispatches at Knoebels to several things:


    * Good team members who actually care about their job (and are often adults, not teenagers)

    * Guests who are probably a little more competent than guests in other areas of the country

    * NO SEAT BELTS! As someone who works on coasters myself, people simply cannot seem to figure out how to fasten seat belts most of the time, or even realize that they exist. Not needing to check seat belts, show people how to use them, or remind them that they actually do exist and need to be fastened is a huge contributing factor that doesn't seem to get mentioned (in my opinion at least)

  2. ^ Indeed!




    Today, Kennywood and Sandcastle have announced the new “Ride & Slide” season pass available for the 2014 season. This highly anticipated new combo option is good for admission to both parks and is sure to provide a summer full of fun! Price of the new pass is listed at $109.99 each through April 30th. They are also offering a payment-plan option of four payments of $27.52. If you have already purchased your 2014 season pass, don’t worry! Both parks have stated that your pass can be upgraded to a “Ride & Slide” pass by paying the difference in price. For more details or to purchase your pass, please visit the official park site.


    I think it's a very nice offer for those who enjoy both parks, and could perhaps even motivate folks who normally only visited one or the other to visit both this year.

  3. It may be indoor, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still very cold... and we all know what that means for coasters. The Exterminator building isn't heated, and it would probably be very difficult to do so (at least without a huge investment). And yes, it's in Lost Kennywood which is not open for Holiday Lights.


    Technically we do have a coaster open... Lil' Phantom (which adults are allowed to ride by the way).

  4. Be smart and choose the front of the train or regret it for life.


    Come on, now... give Blue Streak more credit than that. Yes, when it first reopened the back seat was rather "unfun", but now it's just great! Or, choose the middle seat in the back car if you'd rather a slightly smoother ride... but either way, the back of the train is very much bearable at this point and gives some awesome negative Gs!

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