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Posts posted by PennStater

  1. Hey guys, question... does anyone know how much they charge for the "discount" tickets at the Express Hotel? I have it booked Sunday night for a park visit Sunday. From what I understand, you can stop at the hotel that morning before you even check in and get discount tickets, is that correct? I'm just wondering whether they're a better deal than what I can get online. I'm just looking for single day single park tickets. Would this also get me early access?


    Thanks for any help!

  2. ^Or when the Kangaroo goes "Boing! Boing! Boing!" just like a kangaroo in the wild.


    I think I'm not making that up...if it's not a thing though it could've been a quirky operator on the mic.

    It's definitely a thing.... there is an auto-spiel button for the boing. We have one certain op there who just holds the button down for the entire ride cycle [emoji23]


    Sent from my Samsung Note 8 using Tapatalk

  3. Does giving people rubberbands their hair to ride Black Widow count?


    The only reason for that is when people ride with long hair flying around, it tends to occasionally get stuck in the restraints which obviously results in less than pleased guests when we have to pull their hair out covered in grease and likely shorter than it was before they got on the ride. Thanks for the great design, Zamperla!


    That being said, "safety is our #1 priority!" so there is that...

  4. it had 14 of the 19 parks we visited last year but didn't see Waldermeer, Dutch Wonderland, Quazzy, and a few of the other small parks we hit


    I think as stated in the original post that not all parks and coasters will be included. To be completely fair and honest, I don't think coasters from any of those three parks would ever crack a top 30 list. Obviously you could push for Waldameer more than the other two for the quality wood coaster, but when was the last time Ravine Flyer II was even in a top 20 list?


    I honestly think Waldameer's Ravine Flyer II and Conneaut Lake Park's Blue Streak deserve to be on here. They're both in my top 10 wood, if not top 5.

  5. If I search for a coaster and mark it as ridden, I can then go to the park's page and mark it ridden again. Then, when I go to the "Ridden" page, I see the same coaster multiple times. I can do this over and over again and keep creating duplicates.


    Fun. Dang. I've got an idea, and I'll take a look a little later today.


    I think I figured out part of the problem. If I go to a park's page and click through that I have ridden everything at that park, then immediately go to the "Ridden" page, those ones I had just marked still show that they're not checked off as being ridden. If I give it a minute and then refresh the page, they are then checked off. So, there's some sort of delay and I guess I was just too fast for the site...

  6. Didn't thunderbolt have seat belts last year?

    No, they just added them for 2017. They don't affect the laterals or ride experience at all in my opinion, but they do increase loading time as you would expect.


    I wish people would learn to pick up seatbelts before sitting down instead of sitting on top of them and then struggling to get them on. This goes for any coaster anywhere without retracting belts. [emoji58]


    Sent from my LG-H918 using Tapatalk

  7. Friday nights are usually the less crowded of the two nights (but can still be rather busy some weeks) due to it being football night for most area teams and lots of college kids driving back from school. Saturdays can get packed to capacity. As mentioned above, there are V.I.P Tour options for the rides and R.I.P. Tour options for the haunts as well if deemed necessary.

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