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Posts posted by tiger01

  1. The crowds should be fine. Maximum of 30 minute queues but if you do it right you'll beat them. Get to Th13teen first and then Rita. If you want to reride Th13teen again use the single rider's queue. Then head over to Nemesis and Air and travell around the park in an anti-clockwise route from there. Not so sure about the discounts though. Look around the park if you see any discount leaflets on food.

  2. Flying Fish!


    No I'm joking!


    However, I think that if it your first time if you ride something that will be somewhat averagely rough first (eg. Saw) then you'll get the impression that all coasters are like that and not ride anything again. So I would say start with the smooth option that is Nemesis Inferno. Then Try out Stealth before the crowds get to big.


    And one more thing. As scared as you are just get into the seat and strap yourself in and you'll be fine and having a great time.

  3. Download The Park Right Now Please!


    And that's that! So now for the question everyone has been asking: Will there be a download? Unfortunately, no. I didn't want to share this with you all until after the park ended, but the park has been split up into different files ever since the park reopened as Six Flags. I've tried my best to hide this, but after having to split the park into quadrants after the 2009 season, it became increasingly difficult to mask all the empty areas of the park. I don't want you guys to see all the ugly "backstage" areas of the empty sections of the park, and offering four separate downloads would be a nightmare to say the least.


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