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Everything posted by viking86

  1. That is quite scary! I'm glad it ended well (pretty much) for everyone, this could have been a lot worse. Very surprised that so many rafts were allowed to pile up after the incident occurred.
  2. This is definitely the most well-filled can of beer I've ever had! No complaints though!
  3. ^That would be correct, I did a quick check and found several articles from 2015 when the engine reached 300,000 running hours. 4,000,000 nautical miles, equaling to 9,6 times to the moon and back, or 185 times around the equator. Link to article with several video clips as well. https://sysla.no/maritim/den-lengstgaende-dieselmotoren-i-verden/ Since the trip I went on was with an engineering class, we had a guided tour of the engine room. That was a really cool experience, with so many visible moving parts.
  4. I feel that the chances of someone else being selected are against this guy... But yeah, the ship looks great! I've only been on one trip with Hurtigruten, and that was on a class trip to Aalesund about 10 years ago. On the way up we were sailing with the old M/S Lofoten from 1964, which was really cool. You could feel it in the whole ship when they fired up the engines. It's the oldest ship in their fleet, and it's still sailing. On the return trip to Bergen we had one of the newer ships, but I cannot really remember much of that. Mainly because I was drunk most of the time... Edit: I was just looking at their website and I see that they have a map where you can see where all their ships are at any given time. That's really cool! https://www.hurtigruten.no/kart/?shipCode=LO
  5. I just read through the whole tread, lots of awesome pictures in there! For me it's pretty much only soccer I follow, but I'm a bit of a stadium enthusiast as well and I enjoy seeing pictures from all sorts of stadiums and arenas. Thanks for sharing!
  6. That looks fantastic! First test runs can often be a bit on the slow side, but that seems to carry a lot of speed all to the way through to the end already on the first run! I'm happy for the Australian people, you lot are not exactly spoiled when it comes to rollercoasters.
  7. Well, it's been quiet for a rather long time, but the project isn't dead. Yesterday they posted a presentation of where the park is intended to be. http://thorsrike.no/her-skal-vikinglandet-ligge/ Not a whole lot of details about the progress of the park. It says that financing of the project is still ongoing, and that they now hope to start construction of the park in 2019. Based on that I guess we're talking about opening earliest in 2021. Given that the project becomes a reality that is, something which I'm far from convinced about.
  8. I've also started playing with 4 meter track segments, and it really gives you a good control of the shaping. I made a fairly realistic B&M standup recently, I might put up a video of that one. Shame about the lack of continuous roll in the banking, that would have really made the coasterbuilder in PLC fantastic!
  9. The comments about the ride being "not very safe" due to the lack of OTSR always gives me a good laugh!
  10. That looks very nice! And unlike the SFFT version, this almost looks like it was designed to go in that location!
  11. Very impressive layout! I like that they kept a couple of "bigger hills" on the stretch after the first turn, making the ride a good combination of sustained airtime and lots of short bursts of airtime. At least wait until you have ridden it first!
  12. Awesome report! All the talk about this park has been about the new coaster, so it's nice to see a bit of what the actual park looks like. Some of the areas look really nice! I plan to make the trip down here next year when the new Intamin hyper opens at the Energylandia, as the parks are only an hour apart. Thanks for sharing!
  13. My mind is completely blown away by the rate this park is expanding!
  14. I just came back from watching Dunkirk, and I'm sooooooo torn on this. The movie has great visuals, amazing soundtrack, acting is mostly good and the aerial fighting left me with goosebumps. Some parts were really intense and claustrophobic But the editing of this movie is so messy! I'm not going to go into details to not spoil it for anyone wanting to see the movie, but for me it got to a point where it just became annoying.
  15. Disneyland Paris in September. Maaaaaaaaaybe Tusenfryd a couple of days before, but given my experience at the park last year and the year before I'm in no hurry to go back...
  16. I'm kinda indifferent to them. They can work sometimes, the first picture of Wildfire is close to being really cool if the restraints hadn't taken up so much of the picture. The other two didn't really catch my interest much... So IMO, for it to work, it needs to be an exceptionally good shot!
  17. Well, the trip is now booked and I'm super-excited! The resort hotels were way out of my budget, but I booked a nearby hotel which offers free shuttle bus and is also within walking distance if needed (probably around a 20 mins walk). There were some hotels nearby that were super cheap, but since I'm staying for 4 nights I didn't dare to gamble on that so I went for one that was a bit more expensive, but it looked nice and had good reviews. Just over 5 weeks left...
  18. Given that it's a Cedar Fair park, I think they already have more than enough trash cans...
  19. Mean steak to become Mean Timbers? Lol I want a rollercoaster to be named "Mean Steak" more than anything in the world right now!
  20. Alright, I'll do my top 5. Edit: Changed it to top 10 since I was bored. List based on RCDB height data. 1) Kingda Ka - SFGADV (139 m) 2) Schwur des Kärnan - Hansa Park (73 m) 3) Nitro - SFGADV (70,1 m) 4) Superman - SFNE (63,4 m) 5) SheiKra - Busch Gardens Tampa (61 m) 6) Stunt Fall - Parque Warner Madrid (58,4 m) 7) Wildfire - Kolmärden (56 m) 8) El Toro - SFGADV (55,2 m) 9) Great American Scream Machine, SFGADV (52,7 m) 10) Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit - Universal Studios Florida (50,9 m)
  21. Awesome to see the big structure going up, looks great! Oh, and the station looks fantastic, great work!
  22. ^^^It looks so innocent in that picture! It must be such a strange experience to go into a building at ground level, sit down in your seat and then suddenly you're at the top of this big drop.
  23. Getting the airbag on the passenger side in my car replaced next week. Why? Well, I'll give you one hint.... Takata!
  24. Looks like a fantastic ride! I had also completely forgotten about the backwards seats, that should be insane!
  25. My experience with Dragekongen back in June was much the same as yours. Yes, I know it's family ride, but for it's size I was expecting just a little bit more. As for the rattle we rode in the front seat, so while it was noticable, it wasn't bad at all. But it might be worse further back. The ride also broke down during our visit, with a train full of guests stuck on the lifthill. Juvelen on the other hand, now that is a kick-ass family coaster!
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