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Posts posted by griffonj2022
I had my first visit to SFNE yesterday (and also my first visit to a Six Flags park...) and was pleasantly surprised.
To start, it was Fright Fest, but my family and our exchange student are not ones to be scared, so we were out of the park by 6pm. We also only went on four of the coasters and none of the flat rides, but of the rides we did do, they were all much better than I had anticipated.
Thunderbolt was a really classic ride that did not feel old at all. I was surprised at how smooth it was for a wooden coaster of it's age. There weren't many forces on it, but it was still fun nonetheless. The only drag about it was that they were running one train, so the wait was around 40 minutes; a wait we could have spent somewhere else!
We headed over to Bizarro where they said the wait was 1 hr 30 min, but it was actually about 45 minutes. The line never came to a dead halt as we were always moving, and we sat mid train. The view of the river and the surrounding countryside in the fall was beautiful for the ride up the lift. The first drop was good, and everything up to the building fly by's was okay as well. The real highlight of this ride for me was the two airtime hills heading back along the course next to the lift. Man, those were AIRTIME hills! The rest of the ride was okay for me as I am not one for helixes, and the few airtime hills were mediocre compared to other hills that I have been on *cough* Skryush *cough*.
Batman was next for us as we opted out of Mind Eraser. We did not want any head-banging on this trip. Anyways, Batman was also another surprise. I expected your average, run-of-the-mill B&M coaster, but this was pretty forceful! The first drop offered some bizarre airtime, and the zero-g roll literally threw me out of my seat. This was short, but very sweet and every element was effective. I really enjoyed Batman.
Finally, we closed out our park tour on the new coaster for the park - Wicked Cyclone. My brother was really anxious to ride this one since it was an RMC makeover, and myself as well had never been on an RMC coaster. I was unfamiliar with the layout, the stats, everything (which is odd for me), so everything on this ride was a surprise.
WOW. RMC needs to expand into other parks as well! The first drop was incredible, great airtime, and FAST. The little bunny hills were total ejector air, and the inverted stall was the weirdest ride element I have been on. The outside airtime hill was explosive, and the trick-track hill before the final zero-g roll was amazing as well. I do have to say though, the final zero-g roll was the highlight of the ride for me because it was about three seconds of hang time out of the seat. I felt like I was just hanging there upside down laughing waiting for it to end. After that, the ride works it's way back to the station with less airtime than before, but it was an amazing ride nonetheless.
Wicked Cyclone was definitely the best coaster there, then Bizarro, Batman, etc. If you're going to the park, definitely do Wicked Cyclone first as that was our longest wait around 50 minutes; however, very worth it.
I was going to say that not much could really drive me back to SeaWorld since I have not been since 2011; however, this actually looks really well done, and very fun! I am loving the color scheme, the cool modern art-deco style zero car, and the layout itself is really pleasing. That bunny hop before the MCBR looks promising!
Cannot wait to see how SeaWorld pulls this one off because it looks ah-may-zing.
I have been trying to record in 1080 HD quality, but for some reason NL2 always gives me an "ERROR" with the statement that my screen size is too small to record in that quality. I have done it before, so why can I not do it now?
Any advice on how to get that great high quality footage that I so desperately desire? Thanks!
That is incredible! The ride just keeps going and going!
Great job!
Thank you! I set out to just design a B+M Giga coaster, but it turned out much larger than I had anticipated. Overall, I like it, but it does seem to go on forever.
"Bred of steel, heart that's real."
SteelHeart, the first-ever Giga coaster from KG, is a massive 7,745 ft. undertaking. Climbing 350 ft. with a 365 ft., 99 mph drop into a ravine, SteelHeart would be the tallest, fastest, and longest Giga coaster in the world if ever constructed. Pulling +4.5G at it's horseshoe turn and -1.15G on the first airtime hill, a ride of steel may be common, but with a heart and intensity like this one, nothing can compare.
Inspired by Giga coasters such as Leviathan, Fury 325, and Millennium Force, SteelHeart is a melange of multiple well-known Giga coaster elements that place emphasis on speed, forces, and high-energy thrills.
The name - SteelHeart - is a combination of two things. While Steel is hard, strong, and durable, Heart is passionate and intense; therefore, when combined, SteelHeart is meant to illustrate the power of steel, but the energy and intensity that ride along it's rails.
SteelHeart is a combination of two things that represent KG as well, as it was released on April 9, 2015 - KG's 20th birthday.
^ That doesn't even look real. I can't imagine how massive this must look in person either. I love the logo on the front of the barn!
I second all of the people who have reacted the same way the VIP peep did at the end of the video. I would have preferred a revamped version of RCT3 even with it's gridlocked design over this.
It looks, dare I say, tacky and undeveloped? Not convinced at all.
I always love watching your projects come to fruition. I'm OBSESSED with the color scheme, and the layout looks great as well. Patiently waiting to see the finished product.
SWIFT || No Limits 2 || A Wing Coaster by KG
4,540 ft. long
157 ft. tall
62 mph
Lift hill, wing-over drop, elevated flat spin, egg turnaround, zero-g roll, dive loop, inclined loop, 90 degree banked turn, mid-course brake run, downward helix, flat spin, turnaround, transition, zero-g flat spin finale.
Here are some outtakes from KG X NL2 that are just for fun and your entertainment. Since I'm away at school, I won't have as much time to work on PART II, but don't worry, it's in the works! Things should be picking up again soon, and PART II - ORIGINATION will be dropping next year. PART III will be following as well, and possibly even PART IV by the end of next year. Hope that you enjoy the film project as much as I do, and until then, keep an eye on the moon...lunation is a fickle thing, always watching where you are.
- KG
Lunation is defined as the 29 days that it takes the moon to go through all of it’s cycles. From waxing to waning, the moon transforms before our eyes every month. PART I is titled LUNATION not only because of my avid interest in astronomy and the world beyond, but because it illustrates the idea that everything in this world is cyclical. We live, we die; we breathe in only to exhale; we leave home and eventually return – everything is performed in a cycle. LUNATION sets out to express this idea while also commencing the project and it’s overarching theme. If you can find it in PART I, the remaining three parts will make much more sense. AURA sets out to uncover myself, VENUS prays to the extraterrestrial goddess of love, and DARK HORSE warns those of its power. All of these ideas culminate into PART I – LUNATION, a part near and dear to my heart that’s stuck with me all summer.
And it’s released…
taking flight across the night sky…
- KG
One year is a long time. In between 365 days, a person can change totally or remain nonetheless the same. For me, personally, a lot happened; I changed my lifestyle, I changed my outlook on the world, and I changed my preferences. For one thing, griffonj2022 slowly faded into the background. That “alter-ego”, so to say, is in the dark.
My initials are what I’ll go by for now, and my new project, KG X NL2, is a body of work that I can finally place my real name upon. After designing over 80 rides and picking out the best ones, KG X NL2 is a film that will encompass four parts. PART I – LUNATION will be coming soon. I'm not announcing when either...
I’ve learned a lot over the past year – I went away to college, became more independent, and went through experiences that have taught me more than my education could. These experiences have shaped the track listing and plot line for KG X NL2. I guess you could say its part biography, part documentary, + mostly self-experience; however, it all culminates into entertaining, intense rides with accompanying music. I’ve also learned that not setting deadlines allows for much more creative freedom and time for perfection. When you watch KG X NL2, everything will be exactly how I intended it to be.
KG X NL2 takes me into uncharted territory: a new game, new music, new ideas, and most of all, new fun. I want you all to experience this with happy intentions. Even though some of the material is darker than what I’ve done before, it’s all part of the story, so sit down, grab some headphones, and press play. It’s going to be an exciting ride.
- KG
Which weekday would be the best day to go either this week or the first full week of August? I've been trying to figure out when to go by going back 20 pages or so and scanning, but didn't find much. Suggestions? Thanks.
^ & ^^ Thanks guys. I do have the professional version, and I know what you mean about taking up huge file sizes, but even when I record in higher definitions, the quality in the end still comes out looking like, well, crap. I may consider doing Fraps as recommended. Maybe that would be smarter than recording with just NL2..
Hi Griffon,
Obviously that's not normal. The video output from NL2 should be film-quality. So let's try to nail down what's happening on our PC. What exactly is the problem with the output? i.e. Low resolution, artifacts, choppy, etc..? This might help us nail down what the problem is.
Also what settings and video format are you using? We recommend using an HD preset that is equal to or lower than your display's resolution and selecting MOV PNG as the format. AVI RAW technically is higher quality, but MOV PNG will produces a significantly smaller file and still at very high quality. It requires QuickTime be installed.
You should leave frame-rate and interlacing alone unless you know what you're doing and have specific requirements for your project.
Finally, enable motion-blur. A setting of 6-8 samples at a medium exposure time renders a very nice effect.
This is what it comes out looking like; low resolution, very gritty looking, and not at all appealing. I do know that the files I'm getting are MOV PNG files, but since I'm away at school I won't be able to go into the game until May 8th when I return home. However, I will be sure to look at all of the aspects you have mentioned and comment on the results! Thank you very much for the help Phyter.
^ & ^^ Thanks guys. I do have the professional version, and I know what you mean about taking up huge file sizes, but even when I record in higher definitions, the quality in the end still comes out looking like, well, crap. I may consider doing Fraps as recommended. Maybe that would be smarter than recording with just NL2..
Two questions:
1. When filming in NL2, the quality translates horrendously. Is there any way to film in high quality that doesn't turn out to look awful when you play it back? I've heard of using other "screen recorders"; does anyone have any recommendations?
2. I've created logos for the rides, and is there a way to place them onto the zero car? I know HOW to do it, but are there size specifications or requirements that I need to be aware of?
Thank you!
Phantasialand Discussion Thread
in Theme Parks, Roller Coasters, & Donkeys!
For those of you who have gone to the park and ridden Taron, about how long was the wait time? How long were the wait times for the other main attractions as well? I am going on Friday and cannot wait.