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Posts posted by Gigalyte
Very nice looking little park thanks for the update
Also found this off ride video of Le Twist on youtube
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax3I3LkVk70 looks like a very fun family ride
oh ok my bad I'm trippin I thought I had heard May 3rd.
Isn't the ride opening on May 3rd if so it looks like they have Alot of finishing touches to do. The Gift shop looks horrible imo.
^I thought this was the last major project in the park? Isn't the next huge project an expansion of the park itself that will include a B&M inverted coaster and a giant Star Flyer or has those plans been scrapped? You can see the concept artwork for the plans on the first page of this thread.
Eeyore suits my pessimistic self.
Chris B
I Agree with that statement.
Put the Shrek donkey on a Intamin Megalite with no lap bars
I'm with Elissa
Is this coaster being sponsored by 7 up? the corkscrews were more then enough now they just went overboard with the loop imo
OMG is those two hot chicks twins?
Ok I just need one night with Twister, those twins and Robb (teddy bear) Alvey and I could die a happy man
Thanks for that awesome video Robb
I apologize for not making my question more understandable, but I thank you for answering my question. I've never ridden a Star flyer, so I was basing my question off of what I see on the videos on Youtube. In the videos it didn't appear that the double seated star flyer was going up and down like the one in the video of Praters single seated star flyer.
Does anyone know why the double seated Star Flyers ride cycle is not the same as the single seated Star Flyer shown in this video in this park called Prater, Vienna Austria
. This one goes up the tower spinning and then seams to drop back down the tower spinning and then repeats, compared to the double seated Star flyers they go up the tower spin at the top and then go down the tower slowly and then stop.Imo the Single seated ride cycle in that video seams much more thrilling then just going to the top, spin and come back down. Is there a weight issue on the double seated the reason they don't run like the single seated?
Wow that element looks crazy
Is that first Element some kind of giant corkscrew/stretched loop? It looks huge as well as that cobra roll looking thingamajig will this be the tallest fastest Eurofighter on the planet when it opens?
With my untrained eye is that track different from Intamin's track? it looks very Intamin IMO
^How did you get all those rides onto one Nolimits Map?
It looks great, are those coasters able to run in the program?
I need that Drop Tower lol how did you do it?
Thanks Hanno amazing pics and report
That train is just awesome I want to ride it just b/c of how that train looks, Intamin needs to see if they can get a deal with B&M for their trains to use on their Wingwalker coasters lol
That e-mail Dan pic is
It's weird and driving me freakin insane I can find info on IAAPA as far back as 98' 99 but it's like IAAPA year 2000 doesn't exist. Everything that leads to IAAPA 2000 has been removed, yet for every other year including the years before 2000 is there. The Gio Tilt debuted at the IAAPA 2000 and it's like it's been erased from history, I found sites that seam to cover IAAPA every year expect for 2000. The only site I've pulled up that covered IAAPA 2000 so far is Coasterbuzz yet all the info from the event is gone.
It's looking like at this point the only way to get info/pics of the Gio Tiltcoaster is from Gio themselves and they no longer exist, I'm going to keep searching I must be overlooking something it has to exist somewhere out there on the interweb.
Isn't the ride suppose to be 212 feet tall? I could of swore I read about Hershey filling some permits or something for an 212 foot tall attraction for 2012.
I do believe Hershey is getting a Hypercoaster I just finding it hard to even think about believing it being 1.5 miles long or more I guess will see in a few months.
Thanks for the feedback and I edited my track to address those issues.
Is it just me b/c it seams like when your hand building these things it's like a never ending tweaking track nightmare lol you tweak one thing then notice another and it just keeps going till the point where you don't notice the simple things like the station not being straight lol My bad. After so much tweaking I get to the point where as long as the numbers stay green cool I'm to scared to tweak it anymore even if I know the banking looks a little off lol
Also does anyone else get this...You run the coaster through the sim and it's fine all the numbers are green your like cool and you exit the sim. You run the coaster through the sim again yet you haven't changed a thing yet the sim is now showing spikes of red on certain section or elements that it was just showing green on?
I know everyone was busy having what sounded like an amazing WCB at SFMM but did anyone happen to take a peek at the Green Lantern site? Is it still just the footers, have they started any vertical construction or are parts on site?
I don't know how much it would cost but I wish they would leave B:TR smoke and lighting effects those pics of it from WB look awesome.
Sad to here this especially when it involves children.
There to much human control on these trains imo they should have some type of limiter like they have in Cars to keep from going excessive speeds, I wonder if it's possible to implement something like that on these rides.
At least on a Rollercoaster the ops only have control of certain aspects of the ride, they don't have the option of humm let's crank the speed up to the max and see what happens.
On top of everything that has already happened and everything still going on in Japan CNN is now reporting a Volcano has erupted.
This site has some stunning pictures of the eruption and say it the biggest in 50 years pics
It just crazy how many natural disasters is going on in one place, my prayers go out to all the Japanese people.
Wow that drop looks pretty good to me
Thanks for the complements guys
AJ I will keep everything you said in mind for future uploads, thanks for the heads up. I suck at supports though but I will try to get them more true to the manufacture.
Coming late to the thread also I'm glad to see the drop untamed again that was truly a thing of beauty being slung over the top and the out of your seat 300 foot free fall. I never rode the trimed version either so I can't judge that version, Millie's drop is still great and has a stunning view but I350 scared the total crap outta me lol
Gröna Lund Discussion Thread
in Theme Parks, Roller Coasters, & Donkeys!
Thanks for that Robb I never know it was possible to have a curved lift hill with a chain, I thought curved lifts only used tires.
I have got to make it to this park before I die lol it looks like something straight out of RCT