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Posts posted by Gigalyte

  1. Does anyone know why the double seated Star Flyers ride cycle is not the same as the single seated Star Flyer shown in this video in this park called Prater, Vienna Austria

    . This one goes up the tower spinning and then seams to drop back down the tower spinning and then repeats, compared to the double seated Star flyers they go up the tower spin at the top and then go down the tower slowly and then stop.


    Imo the Single seated ride cycle in that video seams much more thrilling then just going to the top, spin and come back down. Is there a weight issue on the double seated the reason they don't run like the single seated?

  2. It's weird and driving me freakin insane I can find info on IAAPA as far back as 98' 99 but it's like IAAPA year 2000 doesn't exist. Everything that leads to IAAPA 2000 has been removed, yet for every other year including the years before 2000 is there. The Gio Tilt debuted at the IAAPA 2000 and it's like it's been erased from history, I found sites that seam to cover IAAPA every year expect for 2000. The only site I've pulled up that covered IAAPA 2000 so far is Coasterbuzz yet all the info from the event is gone.


    It's looking like at this point the only way to get info/pics of the Gio Tiltcoaster is from Gio themselves and they no longer exist, I'm going to keep searching I must be overlooking something it has to exist somewhere out there on the interweb.

  3. Thanks for the feedback and I edited my track to address those issues.


    Is it just me b/c it seams like when your hand building these things it's like a never ending tweaking track nightmare lol you tweak one thing then notice another and it just keeps going till the point where you don't notice the simple things like the station not being straight lol My bad. After so much tweaking I get to the point where as long as the numbers stay green cool I'm to scared to tweak it anymore even if I know the banking looks a little off lol


    Also does anyone else get this...You run the coaster through the sim and it's fine all the numbers are green your like cool and you exit the sim. You run the coaster through the sim again yet you haven't changed a thing yet the sim is now showing spikes of red on certain section or elements that it was just showing green on?

  4. Sad to here this especially when it involves children.


    There to much human control on these trains imo they should have some type of limiter like they have in Cars to keep from going excessive speeds, I wonder if it's possible to implement something like that on these rides.


    At least on a Rollercoaster the ops only have control of certain aspects of the ride, they don't have the option of humm let's crank the speed up to the max and see what happens.

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