No one's dead, no ones *severely* hurt, no severe damage (from what we can see) has been done. Find the cause, fix it, and prevent it from happening again. Isn't it as simple as that? At least in my eyes it is. I didn't know something as minor as this could spark a blame war against Holiday Park or Intamin. Maybe if you know, the ride pulled a Final Destination and people fell to their deaths, that would be different. But they didn't, so maybe we should just calm down and let the people who need to handle it, handle it? Rather then having all of these people going on a rampage against something that, in reality, isn't that big of a deal. "Oh my, the wheels CAME OFF the tracks!! SCARY! ". Let's not forget, people die in car accidents every day, sometimes trains collide and derail, and occasionally a plane falls from the sky. Probably more dangerous and scary then a minor incident like this on a roller coaster, which is obviously safer then any three of those things. Maybe some of you should gain a little maturity, be thankful no one is hurt, and watch as the park recovers from this, in my eyes, minor incident. Nothing works 100% perfectly.