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Posts posted by gisco

  1. Honestly, at this point the books and show are very different from each other. The first season was almost idwntical, but they've been slowly drifting apart ever since.


    I have only just finished the second book and have noticed that. In the first book a lot of the dialog was lifted right out of the book. In the second with things diverging a little it is getting harder to reconcile the book to the series.

  2. ^^The Mets actually had a better record over the last 10 games if you want to talk about being hot at the right time.


    No one ever wants to lose, but Dave Roberts was definitely managing that game with the post season in mind instead of the W that series. The Giants beat up on Maeda (who was given an extra start to qualify for an extra $1.5 million bonus), but only 2ER were credited to Hill and Kershaw, who were pulled with low pitch counts to rest for the playoffs...not "knocked out." The only person in the bullpen that the Giants hit who will make the postseason roster was Joe Blanton, the rest were clearly thrown out there to see what they got (and outside of McCarthy, shut the Giants down) for a potential post season spot.


    Beat the Mets and win the division series, then you can see the Giants are hot vs. playing a team that can't hit lefties and already qualified for the playoffs.


    As much as I hate the Dodgers, I have to agree with you. There focus was on checking out players and keeping their starters ready for the playoffs. They had nothing to gain from going all out.

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