The description Six Flags gave it sure sounds like it should be a Disney Ride.
"With The Dark Knight Coaster, guests experience the ride of their lives. Venturing through demented hallways of twists, turns and hallucinatory images, they are tormented by The Joker himself. Then as they set foot onto a distressed, vandalized train platform, they can only guess at what awaits them as they speed through six 180-degree hairpin turns, climb unseen hills, plunge into pitch darkness and dip into unforeseen danger. As they attempt to escape the terror, their only hope is that Gotham's Silent Guardian — Batman — can save them."
I experienced nothing that is in that description while riding except speeding through the 6 hairpin turns. I didn't even see a Batman figure and had no idea what the other figures were supposed to be. I understand it's Six Flags, but they could have done a much better job.