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  1. Comment, Please, the parks no are coaster, but too Shows.
  2. The 18:15 o'clock: Beto Carrero Memory Show Our gift to the huge audience that is in the prestigious, Brazil and many countries outside the restr is one of the most popular shows around the country: the Beto Carrero Country Show.In approximately 25 years of presentations that included the majority of Brazilian cities and the Mercosur countries, more than 10 million people of all ages, has attended.Often the success is so unexpected. The show started modestly, when Beto Carrero, an expert horseman, met a group of friends and artists together to show what the Brazilians are able.And mount a concert environment, where they were shown the abilities of each, and performed the eternal struggle between Good and Mal The beginning was very shy. Indeed, there were more people watching than presenting it. But little by little, thanks to the insistence of Beto Carrero, who believed in success, and the entire cast of talent, the public was increasing, to transform the show into one of the biggest ticket of the country with presentations to thousands of spectators, as in the gym do Ibirapuera in Sao Paulo in 1994.That show, with a large cast of artists and that inspired novels and TV shows, it happens here in Beto Carrero World, in an assembly even more spectacular.New scenarios, new equipment, the latest technology, with the same artistic quality and emotion. It is the opportunity to review the show that gave impetus to the final artistic career of Beto Carrero and become the greatest hero of Brazilian children. A true idol who doma horses, tigers and face the villains, but without using firearms, as their only weapon is the whip.Beto Carrero, his horse Sparky, tigers and great cast his back to beat the record of Brazilian public and include the Beto Carrero Memory Show in Guinness Book of Records. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21socL0pU6w http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1JtgxHRICY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RAiYu8x8PI
  3. The 12:30 o'clock West Selvagen The duels were in that region. It was cause for dispute: sit in the place of another, speak a little higher or even look at the companion of a gunman. The only law that was held the gun. In the Wild West, the visitor participates in a lunch with music and dance entertainment in the authentic Wild West saloon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umZjvz8V3oA
  4. The 16 o'clock: Excalibur: On a trip back to the past, we come to the Middle Ages at a time of adventure crucial.The castle, all decorated with the Arms noble aristocracy, is the scene of a magnificent spectacle. The narrator to thrill the crowd that vibrates as your favorite knight fight bravely in a bold test of medieval heroism. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcUqlevGycE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK1Cc0xgTJk
  5. The 17 o'clock: Acqua Show - Hold your breath and dive on a shipwreck full of magic and emotion ... Do not miss the latest show from Beto Carrero World! A big production, with participation of many oceanic characters that have great skills in acrobatics, juggling and dance, and interact with the audience with good humor. This whole adventure has the purpose of the latest generation lighting and live music.End of watch the show with certainty that he made the right choice to be the largest park in Latin America! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLu5rHBNA9c
  6. The 14 o'clock: Animal Actors, a show where the animals are amazing feats. The theater: "MaurĂ­cio Sirotsky Nephew'' has the ability of about 5 thousand people. A wonderful show for all ages.
  7. Selected some videos of the eight shows the park From to YouTube Almost all the shows last 45 minutes on average Except the shows:''The transformation of Monga''which lasts 10 minutes, and ''General that Parade'' is a parade similar to that of Disney World, the largest number of visitors on the day, most floats are present. All shows have funny part. The artists of the park are of international level, very well trained. The shows are great. The 15 o'clock: Mysterious Africa: Excitement suspense and adventure in the heart of the jungle. One of the Best. A show pirofágico. The theater Africa has a capacity for two thousand and two hundred people. Brief post the other shows.
  8. I do not see this as the best SLC. It is well discussed, but the FireWhip have an enviable standard of thematization, maintenance, painting, thematization. No joke! Look at the photos
  9. The park is wonderful. The Intamin Drop Tower, is 100 meters tall. For us the SLC all good. Thanks.
  10. It must be difficult to replace parts of Kingda Ka. Because the ramp to climb to it, is very extensive. It is expensive parts of Intamin.
  11. Ok, we are aware of any information. The park not to delay disclosing information!
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