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Posts posted by X2coasterfreak

  1. Bumping this thread to express my overwhelming excitement that my favorite sports team actually spent big money on a big name FA As a lifelong fan of San Diego sports I've known nothing but disappointment, but for the first time in a very long time I have a reason to be hopeful for a future championship. Machado may be an ass but he's arguably the best 3B in the game and with him, Tatis Jr, Urias and Hosmer we have what looks to be the best infield in the MLB. We may not be contenders this year as our pitching staff is still very young, but the future looks very bright. Bring on Dadtober


  2. If anyone is heading to the park this weekend, please keep us updated on the status of the ride. Today was the first day since May that Steel Vengeance hasn't operated (excluding the day before CoasterMania), and they still have the rest of the week. I hope they're able to get this thing up to full capacity soon, it's my #1 coaster and I hope more people can experience it.


    Maybe the park being closed has something to do with it not operating today...


  3. The Electric EEl in SWSD tells you to take stuff out of your pockets but I rarely do and no one really checks.

    Ugh, you're an awful human that is adding to this mess and not helping it.


    While I think the policy is horrible and stupid, you know what I do? I RESPECT IT!!! And I hope that a better solution is presented in the future.


    But by saying "They tell me to take my stuff out of my pocket, but I'm an entitled Californian so I don't bother to listen to them and I do whatever I want to" just makes you one of the worst people on the planet and I hate you because of stupid people JUST LIKE YOU is why we have these obnoxious rules in the first place.


    Get off our forum. You're not welcome here.


    As a ride op on Electric Eel, it is absolutely ridiculous not to empty your pockets of your loose articles. We have a dedicated operator position that collects phones, wallets, keys etc. into a bin that is placed outside the station for easy retrieval after the ride (which may be a good idea to implement on Steel Vengeance). It literally takes less than two seconds to pull your things out and hand them over. It is a simple system that only slows down dispatch times when people flat out refuse to give up their articles (which happens far too often). It's completely asinine to me why someone would rather risk having their items fall and injure another guest or operator and risk damage to their belongings than place their items into a bin for a 45 second ride.

  4. How is the speed of load/unload/queue going so far? Will there be single riders? Be able to choose seats, or assigned?


    They were pumping out trains quickly Saturday, the stand-by line never reached more than an hour from what I saw. Single rider was available, but I’m almost certain they are going to change the process as groups who went through the single rider line (Fastlane queue) were able to be seated immediately, sometimes even with priority seating. Using the single rider line was almost like having a free Fastlane. I didn’t see anyone who waited in the stand-by line not be able to get the row they wanted, either.


    Also I can vouch for RB probably being the best coaster in the state. Other than Skyrush no other coaster has left me stunned questioning how the ride is even real. Seriously, it's very, very good.

  5. Here at the passholder preview for Railblazer, and I can confirm these RMC Raptors ride just as insane as they look. The airtime is ridiculously strong ejector, the dive loop whips you around in the best way possible, the whole ride is paced perfectly with it’s crazy speed (very happy it didn’t end up trimmed ) For sure a top 10 coaster, if you’re near NorCal or San Antonio and haven’t ridden a Raptor yet, get out there and ride!!!




  6. It's running balls to the wall!!! I just hope over time it doesn't get neutered.


    Are we really still worried about this? People were totally convinced after the first testing video that it would never run that fast with guests...and now it's running that fast with guests. I think it's safe to say now these are purposefully intense coasters that will continue to be purposefully intense.

  7. Gwazi has been SBNO for 3 years already (Tiger longer), parts of it were taken and used for other rides/attractions in the chain, and I believe I saw a photo of part of it underwater at some point recently. Granted it's not impossible to come back from any of this (Twisted Twins was SBNO for 7 years before Storm Chaser....


    Gwazi to my knowledge has never been underwater.


    This is the photo in question I believe, from October of last year.


  8. Anyways, anywhere you sit - hold on to the grab bars and tuck your legs under the seat for some leverage. Ride the entire thing like that. Don't even try to go hands up since the forces are so wild and the restraint so minimal you'll be tossed around so much you might hate it.


    So true, ah man this makes me miss Skyrush so much. I love it when a coaster can make me lose control of my body, and Skyrush is really good at doing that. The quick transitions between extreme negative and extreme positive forces can throw you around like a rag doll in the best way possible, especially on that Stengel Dive. This is a coaster that can not be missed on a trip to Hershey, it's seriously world class.

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