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Everything posted by wiyoh1984

  1. "I'm mouth shy" "I am not mouth shy everyone, don't worry." "If you have anything for my mouth I am not mouth shy"
  2. I must say I have really enjoyed this trip report and I am certainly a new Piers fan!
  3. Another hilarious video. I look forward to viewing more.
  4. I had a great laugh watching that video! Reminds me of something I would do!
  5. ^ When I visited the first weekend of Fright Fest last year, during the day the crowds were not too bad. After the festivities started that night from what I recall, Terminator, Goliath, and Batman had lines. In other parts of the park away from scare zones and such it was pretty dead and I was able to walk right on the rides. On X2, Viper, and Revolution, I was able to get quite a few night rides. I hope this was helpful.
  6. This is certainly my favorite time of year to visit SFMM. I can't wait to check out Fright Fest again next month! Area 19 in the X2 coaster queue sounds pretty cool too.
  7. It looks like someone thinks Lake Charles, LA needs a themepark/entertainment area. http://www.kplctv.com/Global/story.asp?S=13031763 By Lee Peck LAKE CHARLES, LA (KPLC) - The latest proposal for Lakefront development takes the Lake Charles boardwalk as we know it and transforms it into a mecca for entertainment, shopping, dining and nightlife. "I think it could transform it into a destination stop. I think you can retain the gamblers here from Pinnacle and get some of the people to get off the Interstate and stay for a while," said Lake Charles City Councilman Dana Jackson. "The Mardi Gras Boardwalk" is the vision of several parties: including an executive from Disney World and famed New Orleans Mardi Gras float construction artist Blaine Kern, Jr. The proposal would sit on the area of land just north of the Lake Charles Civic Center and wrap around all the way to Veteran's Memorial Park. Some of the big draws: an amphitheater that could seat 5,000 people for a variety of shows including Broadway productions, concerts and symphonies. Visitors would also have their pick of at least six to eight destination entertainment restaurants. Legendary New Orleans entertainer Dr. John has proposed to host a satellite radio show from a music venue that would also welcome big name entertainers to the area. The centerpiece of the boardwalk would be the largest Ferris wheel in the country. There are also plans to include a giant roller coaster that would incorporate a water element over the lake. The development also includes a 300 luxury suite hotel and 50 condos on top of retail space -parking for tenants provided. However when it comes to our expected influx of visitors Jackson says, "I think it's going to be the responsibility of the council before it's over. If we have customers coming in and visitors and tourists - I think we have to figure out a place to park them." All privately funded, some are calling it the Branson, Missouri of Southwest Louisiana. "It's really great if it would just work - you always have a chance of it not coming together but all we can do is just keep plugging and trying to put something together," said Jackson. The timeline of construction calls for phase one of the project (everything except the hotel) to be built and operational within two years. The underwriting contractor would be MAPP Construction, who handled the expansion of LSU's Tiger Stadium. Meanwhile the Lake Charles City Council will discuss this latest proposal at Tuesday night's agenda meeting and the mayor will refer copies to the Downtown Development Authority for further recommendation.
  8. X2, I-305, and Top Thrill Dragster would be the most intense rides I have been on.
  9. Six Flags Over Georgia Dixie Landin' Kings Dominion Cedar Point and visiting SFMM, KBF, and Disney's California Adventure in October.
  10. The rides I have ridden in their debut season are Tennessee Tornado, Tony Hawk at SFOT, Terminator, and I-305.
  11. Looks like the new Texas Giant is coming along pretty well. I am anxious to check it out next year.
  12. I like the idea of "Club TPR" vs. a "Premium Membership." Personally I have considered becoming part of ACE, but have found TPR to be much more interesting and cooler. Either way I am all for it!
  13. I'm excited about the new premium membership; I look forward to sharing this information to my friends so they can join as well.
  14. 1. What are your initial thoughts? Where do I sign up? 2. Can you think of anything else we could be offering? I think the perks to be offered are good enough 3. Is this something that interests you? Most definatly! 4. Why would you NOT be interested in this? I'm all for it! 5. Any additional feedback you can give us based on the information you see here. I think this is a great opportunity! I will sign up as soon as this new feature is available!
  15. ^ I read that on the SFNO boards too, Danny is such a joke.
  16. I live in Magnolia, Louisiana, but since a post office has not been here for the past 100 years we have a Holden mailing address. This is a neat little app, I guess you can say I officially "put myself on the map."
  17. I can say with the article I posted, this is exactly the print you see right up to, during, and shortly after a buyout. This is to mainly calm fears amung the public and employees. I along with others have already said that there very well may be changes in the future but it wont be today or tomorrow. What I've observed with other buyouts is the management team from the company that has been aquired usually stay on for a few years after the merger and then go on thier own way and/or retire. The main issue at hand is the GP thus the print you see basically "nothing will change no one will loose thier jobs, business as usual."
  18. I think of all the video clips in the 24 days line up thus far....this one is my favorite!
  19. I found this link this morning. http://mobile.plaind.com/story.php?id=8348675 The pending sale of Cedar Fair Entertainment Co. to a New York private-equity firm will bring financial stability to the company but have little impact on how the amusement park operator is run, Chief Executive Dick Kinzel said Thursday. “For our employees and our customers, nothing is going to change,” Kinzel said. The company’s headquarters will remain in Sandusky, staffing levels will stay the same, and Kinzel and his management team will continue at the helm, he said. What will change is Cedar Fair’s obligation to pay off or refinance $1.7 billion in long-term debt. Private-equity firm Apollo Management plans to buy Cedar Fair’s assets for $635 million, as well as pay off the debt, making the deal worth $2.4 billion. The transaction is expected to close in the first half of 2010. Cedar Fair has struggled with its debt load since purchasing five Paramount theme parks for $1.24 billion from CBS Corp. in 2006. The move transformed Cedar Fair from a regional player into the third-largest theme park owner, behind only Six Flags and Disney. But it also created a financial burden on the company, which feared it would be charged high interest rates if forced to refinance its debt in 2010, when much of it was to come due. “We would have never gone into the acquisition if we didn’t think we could control the debt,” Kinzel said. “The economy was different then, and there were reasons we wanted those parks,” Kinzel said. Three of the Paramount parks were in warm-weather locations, which would allow Cedar Fair to bring in revenue all year round, he said. But economic conditions over the past year put Cedar Fair in a bad position to ask banks for money. The company said it had 1.2 million fewer visitors at its 11 amusement parks and seven water parks across North America through September of this year. Those parks include Cedar Point in Sandusky, Kings Island near Cincinnati and Geauga Lake’s Wildwater Kingdom in Aurora. Revenue also slipped 7.6 percent to $810.5 million. The company had taken several steps to reduce its debt over the past year, including cutting the dividend it had paid out to investors since 1987. But when Apollo approached the company with an acquisition offer in October, Cedar Fair’s board of directors seized the opportunity. The Cedar Fair deal comes just two months after Anheuser-Busch InBev announced it would sell its 10 theme parks across the United States, including the three SeaWorlds and two Busch Gardens, to private-equity firm Blackstone Group for at least $2.3 billion. It also comes after Six Flags, the world’s largest theme park operator, filed for bankruptcy in June. “We think [the sale] is in the best interest of our unit holders,” Kinzel said. Under the terms of the agreement, shareholders will receive $11.50 for each limited partnership unit they own. That’s 27 percent more than the $9.08 closing price Wednesday. On Thursday, the price increased 23 percent to close at $11.20. Some equity analysts, such as Jeffrey Thomison of Hilliard Lyons and James Hardiman of FTN Capital Markets, thought the sale price seemed low. “I was a little surprised by this,” Hardiman said. “I thought the worst was probably behind Cedar Fair.” He said he thinks Apollo Management got a great deal on the company, whose units were trading at historically low prices. He said Cedar Fair is well run and he expects it to be able to rebound well once economic conditions improve. The unit price started to plunge in March, when Cedar Fair announced it was reducing the dividend that it later cut. Units had been trading for around $20 for most of 2008. Kinzel said it’s not a great time to sell anything, including an amusement park chain, but “sometimes, circumstances dictate.” To reach this Plain Dealer reporter: ssamavat@plaind.com, 216-999-4331
  20. ^ I can certainly agree with the loan factor between Six and CF. For the past couple of years Cedar Fair's stock was always rated higher by analysts than Six Flags for the fact CF did have a high debt load but was able to make the payments and pay dividends far better than Six Flags. I think with the Apollo buyout as others have said the debt CF has will be knocked out alot faster now.
  21. ^ I've seen that happen before not long before the president/ceo/ whatever decides to retire.
  22. ^ I would think Cedar Fair would retain thier brand... considering the other companies Apollo own such has Harrah's still have the same brand just owned by a different investment group.... what would be interesting is if a new coaster war were to break out between KBF and SFMM.
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