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  1. Hey all-- I'm fortunate enough to be able to get to southern california a day early for a business trip and planning on being at SFMM on 11/13 all day. I'm wondering what the crowds are like on the weekend during what I suspect is off-season (with school and what-not). Would a flash-pass be adviseable? If the park was open till the wee hours I'd be inclined to not purchase one but with the smaller window I'm wondering about a flashpass. I'm one who doesn't mind spending the money to increase my enjoyment but absolutely hate spending when its not necessary. Nothing like blowing 150 when 40 would have sufficed. Which hotel would you recommend I stay at? I've stayed at the embassy suites during my last trip (when X was being built---104 degree summer day, $75.00 spent on water bottles, there till closing = THE best solo trip of my life!!! ) I was thinking of trying the Hilton Garden Inn or Hyatt Valencia. Any board preference or experience? Thanks in advance---MUCH appreciated!!
  2. I like it all! But mostly I'm psyched for the huge rides at SFMM and getting that incredible rush. Thanks for the feedback!
  3. I'll be down in LA area (staying conveniently in Valencia ) next week and will have Thursday through Sunday evening completely open. I'm planning on at least 2 days at SFMM but am curious as to what to do with the other days? What park should I visit? It's been a longtime since my last visit to LA and that was for Disneyland. I'm thinking maybe Universal Studios? What would everyone recommend for a trip itinerary?
  4. Thanks all for the excellent advice and links. I'm definitely planning on Thursday and Friday but may stay away on Saturday.
  5. Hello all, I'm new to this board but am grateful for coming across it. Been a tremendous resource for me! I just found out last night that I have to be in LA for some business the last part of the week of May 18th (21st through 23rd). I'm planning on staying through Sunday night the 25th. Its been a very long time since I was last at SFMM (I think '99 or 2000) and am ecstatic to be able to go again. My questions revolve around crowds and school schedule stuff. I'm definitely planning on hitting the park on Thursday the 22nd at least for a half day. Are schools still in session in California? Is there an extra day off on Friday for the long memorial day weekend? I understand that X2 re-opens on the 24th. Do you expect the park to be crazy busy? Or just crazy busy for X2? I'm hoping that because its just a re-opening and not a new ride that the rest of the park won't be too bad (wholly unrealistic wish I bet). That was my experience back when I last went---Superman lines were insanely long but everything else wasn't bad. Would you experts recommend staying away that weekend or just avoiding X2? Perhaps I should plan on doing some other park that day? Thanks in advance for any and all advice!
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