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Posts posted by ZeroG001

  1. Why won't it give the $24.99 deal when it's still advertised on the website and it's not even the 22nd yet?


    I just tried it, it still was giving me the $24.99 ticket price. Mybe they just don't like you lol.


    Are you also getting the $29.99 deal, that lets you visit any day in 2009? I typed in a coupon code for that one because I was planning on visiting after this Friday, but our plans changed. I think since I typed in that coupon code, it isn't giving me the $24.99 deal.

  2. I also have a question. I want to buy my ticket online, and since I am visiting this week, before Saturday, I want to use the $24.99 deal. When I click on it, it doesn't give me the option to buy my ticket for that price. Instead, it gives me the $29.99 deal that I can use any day in 2009. Why won't it give the $24.99 deal when it's still advertised on the website and it's not even the 22nd yet?

  3. I'm sure most of you have encountered GP like this, but I hate the GP that insist on arguing with you about where a certain ride is. This kid at my school was asking me, "Have you been on Supreme Scream at Six Flags?" and I replied back saying, "I don't think there is a Supreme Scream at Six Flags. It's at Knott's." and the kid just keeps saying "No, I'm pretty sure it's at Six Flags." About half way through the conversation I just gave up, saying "Oh, well I just don't remember then." It's so annoying...

  4. An air conditioned queue would be great! But I think the first half might be outside, with shade, and the second half after the pre-show will hopefully be inside with AC.


    Terminator looks like it'll be a great wooden coaster. I really want to see that station-fly-by and that drop! The ride went up so fast. I can't wait to ride my first GCI on Memorial Day! I hope there's some decent theming, too.

  5. I'm planning a trip to the park in May, but I don't know when to go. How crowded will it be on Friday, the 22nd? It says the park is open from 10am-10pm, and that is the Friday of Memorial Day weekend. I'm guessing since schools are still in session, it won't be THAT crowded. What do you guys think?


    Also, I'll be going back again in late August/early September to ride Terminator then, so it be a major let down for me if Terminator is closed on the 22nd.

  6. I also agree that guests should help the park out by pointing people out in queues that are disobeying park policy. While I was at Knott's last weekend, we were in line for the front row on Xcelerator. One guy was in line, and he was "saving" a spot for about 8-10 other people! My group and other people in line complained to the ride op, and he said to point the group out when it was their turn to ride. We told him who they were, and instead of letting them on the ride, he made them walk across the station, through the train, and leave. They began to sit down and refused to get up, but they had a few security guards who also told them to leave. If no one had said anything, these line jumpers would've gotten away with it. So when there aren't any employees around to see what's going on, I think that guests should let them know.

  7. What rides do you guys think will close in the rain? I know Xcelerator will close. Does anyone know if anything else will close? Do they reopen coasters if the rain stops? Any help is much appreciated.


    If the park opens, all rides will close in the rain. I think the only roller coaster that will operate in the rain is Boomerang.


    Do they reopen the rides once the rain stops?


    I have a pass, and haven't been to the park in the rain before, so I want to check it out. The only problem is the four other people in my group don't have passes and I don't want them to be mad at me.

  8. I was thinking about heading to Knott's tomorrow, as long as they're open. The weather forecast said "few showers" on the ABC7 news around 6, but online The Weather Channel says "showers." What rides do you guys think will close in the rain? I know Xcelerator will close. Does anyone know if anything else will close? Do they reopen coasters if the rain stops? Any help is much appreciated.


    This is the link I'm looking at that says "showers."


  9. ^^Really? I was at the park last week, too, on Tuesday. It was very clean. Staff was friendly at the restaurants, stores, etc. Some ride ops seemed bored though, and really tired. Lines were short, all rides never left the station except Tatsu, Deja Vu, and Superman. We rode X2 when it reopened around 4 and were one of first ones on! It was an amazing ride. Unlike my last visit in April, none of the rides broke down (except X2 earlier in the day) All the misters were on, too! The only bad part about my trip was there was no soap in the two bathrooms I used that day, one outside the park after you pass the metal detectors, and one across from Katy's Kettle near Tatsu. Overall, a really great day at the SFMM! It was my second trip to the park, and I still plan on making more in the future!

  10. I've only been to SFMM once, so I don't know how crowded it'll be. I went on a Saturday last month and it was pretty crowded, I waited nearly 2 hours for Tatsu, and a little over an hour for Goliath.


    I used to go to school in northern CA and now southern CA, every school I've gone to has had its last day be around mid June, this year its June 18th. So schools will still be in session.


    We also have the Monday off for Memorial Day weekend, still in school on Friday.


    Regarding X2 just being a reopened ride, a lot of kids in my school actually think its a brand new ride, so I think most of the GP might rush in thinking that it has a completely different layout.


    Hope that helped.

  11. I agree that line jumping of ANY kind should not be allowed. When I was at the park earlier this month in line for Goliath, we waited over an hour, and these two kids kept coming back and forth to the people in front of us asking "How much longer until you get the the front?" and "We just rode the swings like 20 times!" and when we were one train away from getting on they come back and ask if they can cut us to get on the same train as the people waiting for them! The parks should really enforce the line jumping rules, like it says on the maps.

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