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Posts posted by ZeroG001

  1. 29 minutes ago, YoshiFan said:

    Last year Sunday was a lot less crowded than Monday but that was probably because the Buccaneers played a playoff game that day. This year they are playing Monday night so it probably won’t make Monday less crowded at least not until later in the day.

    If you can get there at opening Monday, I’d probably go then. If you stay ahead of the crowd you should be able to get to Iron Gwazi and then Montu before it gets too crowded. Montu has been running 1 train a lot and the line can get bad by late morning on weekends/holidays. 

    Yeah I'll be able to get there at opening on Monday. I just saw too that they are including a free meal at the park with admission, so I could take a spin on the coasters and then enjoy some lunch before heading out.  Thank you for the input! :)

    • Like 1
  2. Hey everyone! I'm going to be in Tampa on Sunday and Monday this weekend. Haven't been on Iron Gwazi yet, so was hoping to swing by the park to check it out and maybe hit Montu, as well.

    Only time I'll have free to hit the park is Sunday late-afternoon/evening and Monday morning/early afternoon. Which would be less crowded? I know it's MLK weekend and kids are out of school, so not expecting that much of a difference between Sunday and Monday. Just wanted to see if one day would be better than the other.

  3. Already visited

    Busch Gardens Tampa (first time)

    SeaWorld Orlando (first time)

    Universal Florida (first time)

    Islands of Adventure (first time)


    Magic Kingdom

    Animal Kingdom

    Hollywood Studios


    California Adventure


    Planning to visit

    Six Flags Over Texas (first time)

    Six Flags Over Georgia (first time)

    Carowinds (first time)

    Six Flags Magic Mountain

    SeaWorld San Diego


    2020 going to be a big year of first time visits for me!

  4. This looks like fun!


    1. How many parks did you visit in 2019?

    6 (SFDK, SFMM, USH, KBF, Disneyland, DCA)


    2. Best new-for-2019 (or new-to-you-in-2019) ride?

    Joker (SFDK)


    3. Name the first 3 coasters that come to mind.

    Joker, Medusa, Revenge of the Mummy


    4. What was the best flat ride you rode in 2019?

    Lex Luthor: Drop of Doom


    5. What is your favorite RMC under 130 feet? (cheat sheet)

    Twisted Colossus


    6. What was the last Premier coaster that you rode?

    Tigris (BGT)


    7. Name a park you've been to that you're already planning to revisit.



    8. What is your home park and how many times did you visit in 2019?

    Disneyland/DCA, 9 times


    9. What park are you most looking forward to visiting in 2020?

    Already went to 8 parks in Florida for the first time this month, so now I'm looking forward to visiting SFOT, Carowinds, and SFOG for the first time later this year!


    10. Kennywood or Dollywood? Pick one

    Haven't been to either but if I had to choose one to visit I'd pick Dollywood.


    11. What ride/coaster disappointed you the most in 2019?

    Scream (SFMM)


    12. You're at Great Adventure. You play that racist-ish gong game and win a one hour ERT session for you and your friends on ONE coaster of your choice. But damn! El Toro, Kingda Ka and Nitro are all down! So you ride...



    13. What is the last coaster that changed your top 10?



    14. Most recent park food you ate.

    Some Lunar New Year stuff at DCA with the Sip and Savor pass.


    15. What park do you wish was your home park?

    Six Flags Great Adventure or Universal Florida/IOA


    16. What 2020 attraction do you have the biggest boner for?

    Iron Gwazi


    17. What park will you visit next?



    18. Favorite breakfast before a day at a park?

    Spinach and feta wrap from Starbucks


    19. Cedar Fair park you visited most recently?

    Knott's Berry Farm


    20. Was it awesome?

    Haunt is always awesome!


    21. Skyrush or Candymonium?



    22. What 2 overseas parks do you want to visit the most?

    Tokyo DisneySea (Japan) and Phantasialand (Germany)


    23. The best B&M coaster you rode in 2019 was?

    Tatsu (SFMM)


    24. What is the saddest/dirtiest credit whore thing you've ever done?

    Considered asking someone if I could borrow their kid to go on Pteranodon Flyers last week but decided against it, now I regret not doing it


    25. Last time you bought fast pass?

    Last week at USF/IOA


    26. What was the longest you waited for a ride/coaster in 2019?

    Waited in a long line for Hangtime at KSF Haunt, don't remember how long it was though.


    27. What season passes/membership do you currently have?

    Six Flags and Disneyland


    28. If you could go to a park with anyone on this forum for a day who would it be and to what park?

    Going to a park at Disney World with Robb seems like it would be fun!


    29. Battle of the Busch 2020: Iron Gwazi or Pantheon - which would you rather ride?

    Iron Gwazi


    30. Most times you've ridden one coaster (rough estimate or exact if you're a super nerd)

    Probably Silver Bullet (KBF) or Incredicoaster/California Screamin' total. But most times in a row I think in 2017 I rode El Toro and I305 like 7-10 times each without getting off.


    31. Congrats! You just won passes to spend A WEEK at the park of your choice! Dorney Park or Valley Fair? Pick one and why.

    Dorney for the B&M's


    32. Talk about a park food that knocked your socks off

    Biergarten at Epcot! Practically everything I had at the buffet was amazing and I'm always down for some good beer!


    33. Pick one: Kumba or Montu



    34. What are your three least favorite woodies?

    Grizzly (CGA), Blue Streak (CP), Big Dipper (SCBB)


    35. Best sweet snack at a park (degree of difficulty: not Dollywoods cinnamon bread)

    Dole Whip (Disneyland)


    36. Kings Island is on the phone and they want you to decide what is going in the old Vortex spot. What do you add?

    An RMC


    37. What roller coaster currently sits at the top of your bucketlist? (degree of difficulty: NOT a new-for-2020 ride)

    Steel Vengeance


    38. Name 3 parks you want to visit in the next 3 years.

    Tokyo DisneySea, Phantasialand, Dollywood

  5. Went today for the first time and had a blast! We got there at opening and went straight to Cheetah Hunt, which we walked on to. It was such a fun ride and definitely top 3 in the park for me. Wasn't expecting it to be as long as it was and the scenary around the track was awesome.


    After that we went towards the back of the park and walked onto Tigris, ShieKra, Kumba, Falcon’s Fury, and Scorpion all before going to have lunch outside the park! ShieKra was incredible in the front row! I'd rank it second out of the dive machines I've been in (Griffon #1, Valravn #3). Falcon's Fury was also a terrifingly unique experience!


    Once we got back around 1:30ish the crowds started to pick up a little bit, we took the Sky Ride to the back of the park. This had about a 20 minute wait. Thankfully we had done *almost* everything that the crowds had flocked to by this point. So we waited about 10 mins each for the rapids and the log ride before taking the train back to the front of the park to ride Montu, which had a station-length wait. Rode it twice, once in the very front and once in the very back, and LOVED IT! Easily my favorite invert now! I was surprised at how smooth it was while also being intense!


    Unfortunately we decided to skip Cobra’s Curse because it was hovering around a 60-85 minute wait all afternoon and was periodically going down so we didn’t want to use up that much of the time we had left for it. Instead, we opted for rerides on Cheetah Hunt (25 min wait) and ShieKra (40 min wait) before catching the shuttle back to our hotel in Orlando.


    Tomorrow we'll be hitting SeaWorld, which will also be a first for all of us! Thank you to everyone for the tips on this visit to Busch Gardens!

  6. Wanted to report that we were able to get everything in at the park yesterday without Flash Pass, despite the nice weather and the BAF for $9.99!


    We got to the park right when it opened and found that Full Throttle and Goliath both weren't open yet, so we went to Twisted Colossus and waited about 10 minutes. Then walked onto Scream, Batman, and Riddler before making our way back to Goliath.


    Goliath had about a 30 minute wait at this point since it was only running one train. We headed back towards the exit to leave the park for lunch and saw Full Throttle had a station wait, so we hit it before leaving.


    Took about an hour lunch break at In-N-Out before getting back to the park at 3:15. Made our way up to the hill to ride Superman, which had about an hour wait running only one side. Then we waited about 15 minutes for Tatsu before heading down to X2 for another short 15 minute wait. After that we walked into Viper before riding Full Throttle again.


    Overall a successful day for us! Not so sure about other guests since I checked the app when we got back from lunch and Goliath and Twisted Colossus were both listed as 90 minute waits.


    The park didn't look too busy based on what I saw in the midways but I guess if you get there when it opens, you have a good chance of hitting everything without Flashpass, even on a moderately crowded day!

  7. Does anyone know what's going on at the park on Sunday, January 27th? I'm planning on going to the park that day with a group of friends and it says "Yup, it's packed!" on isitcrowded. The reason why I'm asking is cause on Saturday the 26th, it says that isn't going to be packed. I'm confused as to why Sunday will be more crowded than Saturday because I always assumed it's the opposite.

  8. Went to Knott’s today and it was the most crowded I’ve ever seen it. To put it in perspective Jauguar! had waits up to 140 minutes. In other news they were aggressively testing Sol Spin today. It was constantly running throughout the day but never opened. My guess is it will be opening very soon, possibly tomorrow, but then again who knows....


    Man, I don't remember the park drawing crowds like this when I was in high school 7-8 years ago! I wonder if it's the fact that they started doing monthly payment options for the annual passes, making it more affordable for people so more people have them and go now? I don't remember the monthly options being available when I was growing up.

  9. So, random question for you all. We are looking at taking our first trip to SFMM this summer!!! (Been wanting to go every since X first opened in 2002!!) Holy crap, it's been such a long time!!!


    We will be at the park on either a Friday, or Saturday in late July, or early August. So, my question is... would a Platnium Flash Pass be enough for us to do everything in one day, or should we look at doing 2 days at the park??


    I guess it would be *doable* but if this is your first time visiting the park, I would highly recommend two days, or at least 1.5 days. It’s a huge park with a ton of coasters, and with long lines and SFMM’s highly unpredictable ride closures / operations, I would really suggest at least a day, even if you have Flash Pass.


    You could do it if you got there right at opening and stayed until closing, but your visit will be so much less stressful if you go for at least 1.5 days.


    Honestly with a platinum flash pass, one day is enough. You'll have time to ride every single coaster and do rerides on the ones you liked, except for the ones you can only use it on once (X2 and TC, I think). I've done a platinum flash pass trip once in July, got to the park at 1 pm and was done with everything by 6 pm. It's quite incredible how much it cuts down the wait times.

  10. Went to the park today and had an awesome time! I had never been during Holiday in the Park and I must admit I was very impressed with how they decorated certain parts of the park, since my expectations weren’t very high. Cool to see snow leading up to Tatsu and so many lights by the entrance and back by DC Universe and Twisted Colossus!


    I was worried about crowds but it wasn’t bad at all! We got to the park at 1:00 pm and the longest wait we had was 45 mins for Twisted Colossus. I was so shocked that we got to ride X2 with only a 10 minute wait around 5pm. Left the park for an hour to get In N Out between 6-7 then came back. Stoked we were able to ride everything we wanted to and really enjoyed the cold weather.


    Rides we went on with waits:

    -Revolution - walk on

    -Tatsu - 25 minutes

    -Apocalypse - 20 minutes

    -Goldrusher - walk on

    -Riddler - walk on

    -Batman - 5 minutes

    -Scream - walk on

    -Goliath (x2) - 15 minutes the first time, walk on the second

    -X2 - 10 minutes

    -Twisted Colossus - 45 minutes

    -Full Throttle - 30 minutes

  11. Went to Haunt on Friday the 13th and had a blast! I was expecting it to be very crowded but no one in my group wanted to pay extra for fright lane, so we decided to show up about an hour early.


    Waited until rope drop and then went straight to Trick or Treat because I'd heard the line for that gets insane. We walked right up to the entrance and I thought it was really cool that they had us ring the door bell of the house! The flash lights were a nice change and I really enjoyed this maze.


    Next we did Paranormal Inc. It's the same as it's been since its first year and I think it's time to retire this one or at least change it up. The zip line trick in the preshow was really cool and unexpected in its first year, but it's lost its sting.


    Voodoo has my favorite sets but there were barely any monsters when we went through.


    The Tooth Fairy was one maze I've been reading that most people hate, but I loved it this year! Mainly because most of the scares I got were in this maze. The talent in it was on fire when we went through!


    After that we hit Red Barn and then had finished 5 mazes before 8:00.


    We enjoyed some beer and snacks before heading into Shadowlands. I was really impressed with this maze last year and loved it again this year. Some of the best scares come out of monsters on bungee cords.


    Dark Ride was the first maze we had to wait in line for and it was about 30 minutes. I really liked the theme and the monsters in it were pretty active too. Great watching them scare so many people in there, despite the fact that I didn't fall victim.


    After that we went over to our last maze of the night which was Pumpkin Eater. The app said the line was 35 minutes but we waited about an hour. I thought the concept was cool but I didn't see a lot of monsters in the maze.


    The scare zones were LIT, though! From Ghost Town to Carnevil, to Hollow and even Fiesta Village we saw monsters EVERY WHERE and they were so full of energy the whole night. It was very entertaining sitting down for breaks and watching them do their thing.


    After the mazes we waited 90 minutes for the Log Ride just to see the Halloween overlay. It was a really nice overlay and I hope they keep doing it, even if they don't put monsters in the ride!


    At this point we were all pretty exhausted and every thing in the park (mazes and coasters) had 90+ minute waits, so we decided to call it a night and leave around midnight. We skipped Special Ops because we did it last year and, despite how unique the concept is, it's just not my cup of tea.


    Overall we had a great time and proved again it's totally possible to get through all the mazes if you plan right and show up early enough, even on a busy Friday night. I saw a lot of GP complaints on their Facebook page and they blamed their bad experience on the park, but I don't think that's fair to do.

  12. I really hate doing this, but I feel like I have to ask for advice here: I’m going to Scary Farm for the first time this year, and want to do pretty much everything in one night (excluding rides and Halloween Hootenany). The current plan is to go Thursday, October 19th. Would you recommend Fright+Fast Lane for a Thursday night? We will be at Knott’s during the daytime on Wednesday and Thursday, so we can knock out the rides then. We are already purchasing the Boo-fet, so we would just upgrade to the all-inclusive ticket if needed. Thanks!


    I've been going to Scary Farm for seven consecutive years and have never needed the Fright/Fast Lane. If you are at the rope when it drops, you should be able to do every single maze and maybe do some twice. You might even have time for a show or two if you're interested! The fact that you're going on a Thursday helps a lot, but it is mid-October so it might still be a bit crowded. Not to the point where you'll need the Fast Lane to do every maze, though.

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