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Posts posted by coaster1000

  1. ^ Agreed.


    They're delayed like 2 WEEKS. It's not like Flying Turns.

    Also, they started in really good time, but from what I've heard the weather has really been against them.


    Try to look at some of the comments at PointBuzz. It's just ridiculous how people blame Intamin and CP for this failure.


    I think STR could be considered a "prototype". Pilgrims Plunge was way different and utilized another lift system. When building prototype delays should really be expected. CP could of course have built an off-the-shelf B&M looper, but they are known for bringing us awesome prototypes, and I think we should appreciate it (or at least accept minor delays like this.)

  2. I also got a kick out of the person who said earlier in this thread that "CP hasn't got a coaster since 2007" as if thats a long time ago! lol


    Raptor: 1994

    Mantis: 1996

    Woodstock Express: 1999

    Millenium Force: 2000

    Wicked Twister: 2002

    Top Thrill Dragster: 2003

    Maverick: 2007


    I haven't said that four years is a long time. But look at that timeline: Usually, there hasn't been more than 3 years between the coasters (4 years between Dragster and Maverick).


    I'm just pointing out that there's still a chance they may get a coaster next year. Next season, it'll be 4 years - even though I wouldn't mind them getting a flatride

  3. A Zac Spin in CP?


    Hmm... Prepare for 4 hour lines then. "Insane", at Gröna Lund has a capacity of... hold on... 800 pph! http://rcdb.com/4309.htm


    Sure, a Zac Spin would be a great ride, but I think an Intamin woodie would fit the park perfectly, and have a more reasonable capacity.


    Why build one when you can have two at twice the price? ...And twice the capacity, theoretically.


    Actually, it doesn't seem too unrealistic! Two right next to each other would look awesome. Maybe they could even have different layouts but the same length?


    Allright, just speculation...


    Next year, the thrill is back.

    Cedar Point’s new ride for 2011, which already has been ordered but not been announced publicly, will be aimed at thrill seekers, said Dick Kinzel, Cedar Fair’s CEO.

    The amusement park’s long-term plans for new rides is closely veiled. But during an exclusive Register interview with Kinzel, he pulled the curtain aside a bit.

    When asked if Cedar Point plans to maintain its status as the world’s leader for roller coasters and rides, he said: “Let me just put it this way. We went after the family market this year ... We’re going to go after the thrill seeker next year.”

    Kinzel wouldn’t give more details. “There’s more thrill rides than roller coasters,” he said. “I can’t tell you what it is. It’s a very exciting ride.”

    More details may not be forthcoming until Cedar Point makes its official announcement later this year about what’s new in 2011.

    Robin Innes, Cedar Point’s spokesman, said that in recent years new attractions at Cedar Point have been announced in the late summer or early fall.

    This year’s family ride, Shoot the Rapids, was announced Sept. 3. The announcement was preceded by a several-week media campaign of hints and official leaks.

    Innes had no comment about when this year’s announcement will come.

    “I’m not going to reveal any information about our plans next year,” he said.

    Jeff Putz, webmaster for the Cedar Point fan site PointBuzz.com, said Cedar Point fans will welcome the news that a new ride is on the way.

    “It keeps things fresh and it keeps people interested and engaged,” he said.

    Usually before any new attraction, people spend months posting on the Internetaboutwhat’scoming next.

    “There’s always speculation, and it’s usually wrong,” he said.

    Indulging in a little speculation of his own, Putz said an announcement that would make the most sense would be “something that kind of fills a hole in their lineup.”

    There aren’t many gaps at Cedar Point, but the park lacks a top spin ride, such as the one made by Huss Rides, Putz said.


    Judging by this line from Kinzel, "There’s more thrill rides than roller coasters" I'm guessing that it won't be a coaster. Jeff Putz from PointBuzz thinks it will be a Huss TopSpin.


    If it were an Intamin woodie, or a coaster of similar magnitude, wouldn't we see some sort of activity/construction by now? If it isn't a Huss Top Spin, I'm guessing it's a ride that's at least of similar size, and isn't much bigger.


    Thank you!


    I don't want to sound like a pathetic fanboy, but, a TopSpin would be a bit of a letdown considering they haven't gotten a new coaster since 2007. CP seems to be richly equipped when it comes to flatrides.


    Even still, you're probably right that we would've seen some sort of construction now if they went for a big coaster.

    Oh well, as long as they don't get an SLC.

  5. No.




    This is a catastrophe for Intamin. Though it may not be their fault, I have to say that the recent numbers of incidents are unsettling. This, Xcelerator, TTD. Also, ExpG has had a cable snap before. Millennium had one, too. And there's probably a lot more.


    I'm not saying it's the company's fault, it *COULD* also be the parks doing a bad job with the inspection. Even still, compare the number of Intamin accidents to B&M. It just isn't right, and no matter who has got the responsibility this is just bad for Intamin.


    BTW, it does look like the safety system worked as it should. The accident it self isn't really that serious. It's just... the public impact!


    Really hoping this won't affect operation of other Intamin Hypers, Megas and Giga around. Any risk?

  6. ^^


    That means I fail at failing. Well. That's bad.


    By the way, I'm pretty anxious to see what sort of theming it's going to have... If any.


    Also, another question:

    I've wondered this for a while, why doesn't CP have a flash pass sort-of system? With 2 hr waits for the big rides on crowded days, it would make (rich) guests happier. And it would make good profit for the park!

    I remember seeing some people getting "stamped", though. But that is a long time ago. Can anyone explain?

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