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Posts posted by coaster1000

  1. Hi!



    I'm having a huge problem with Rct2. Yes, it's about the clearances. There are many things:


    1: The clearances have gone MAD, meaning if I, for instance, would like to build a roof over a ride entrance the game won't allow me to build it right over the entrance - only what seems like 10 or 12 metres above it.


    2: The Zero Clearance-function doesn't seem to solve this problem.


    3: In fact, the Zero-Clearance-function and the Un-Zero-Clearance-Function don't work at all - except for the fact that they're are still messing my park up, and ruining the graphics!


    I run this game on a Windows Vista, but runs it in XP-compitability, I have changed my laptop theme to Windows Classic and checked the "Disable Virtual Themes" box. I've restarted the game and my computer several times, but nothing help. Anyone got a solution?


    If you want to see the park to fix the problems just write it, and I'll send it to you.


    Please help me!


  2. Hmmm... Spacemaker in Italy freaked the hell outta me.. it's the worlds tallest (42 m. / 138 foot) and a 120 km/h. (75 mph) On top of that i was 8 back then, lol.


    And the turbo-slide@Tropical-Islands in berlin. Going 70 km/h (43 mph.) through a very tight tube is extreme. And the splashdown is crazy too.

    Waterslides freak me out more than rollercoaster do!


    Needless to say, it's the one to the right.

  3. Favorite lapbars:

    Intamin giga. They're awesome (never tried the B&M clamshell before though)

    Favorite OTSR:

    Intamin Launch-coasters: luv them..They're so soft!


    Worst lapbars: Hmm...Guess that has to be arrow minetrians.

    Worst OTSR: The AWFUL restraints on Pa(i)nfari loopers.



    And, to add something different to this thread, I thought about, why does a freefall need to have OTSR? Might sound stupid, but it seems pointless when all a ride like that does, is to send you up and down a tower. No lateral or horisontal forces, and no inversions.


    anyone agrees?

  4. Okay, i just want to warn everybody here, that the RCT2 no-cd patch uploaded in these forums is a trojan horse.

    I've downloaded and installed it on my computer and my antivirus program keep warning me that it contains malware. I have tried to delete it, but it seems to be kind of hard dealing with.

    So do not download it.

    I know it is a long time ago the file has been posted, but i just wanted to warn you!

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