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Posts posted by jbuck

  1. I have a question, I want to go on the Mini Toyko and the China trip, will I be allowed to do that? I know there not up yet but I want to know.


    Considering Elissa addressed that just 2 posts above yours, my 8 ball is reading not likely. You have to have a parent sign and be approved by R&E. I doubt if they would make that decision based on a single post.


    I will be 18 years old at the time of the trip.

  2. Mitch Hedberg owned, why didn't someone like Carlos Mencia or Dane Cook die instead of him All time i have to say Richard Prior.


    Well as Lewis Black said "The good die young, and the pricks live forever!"


    any-dang-way heres my list of the ones I found websites for that I like.


    Bill Engvall

    Colin Mochrie

    David Spade

    Gilbert Gottfried

    Jeff Dunham

    Jeff Foxworthy

    Jim Gaffigan

    Joe Rogan

    Jon Reep

    Larry the Cable Guy

    Lewis Black

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