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  1. This is my third coaster i have been working on this for a long time trying to get it to be perfect.I would like critique but constructive critique. roar.nltrack
  2. Sorry I should have posted there. Yes I do mean wooden catwalks but is there a way do make them by hand.
  3. That's great news. Sorry i know its a bit off topic but i can't seem to be able to get the car on faller power tower fall.
  4. I put people in a random place everyone will get a go at everything.When everyone had a shot at everything I will pick the best people for there best suited job.
  5. Ok then the name for the team.For our first coaster it will be a B&M.
  6. Sorry for not updating this topic I have to get something straight how do we give the coaster to the next person like supporter or smoother without the public downloading it or do we just ignore that and if they want to download it they can but it will ruin the surprise. regards Da1daonly
  7. Do you have to download the other one on page 3 or can you just download this one above
  8. I can't get Virtual Rides to work it said unable to find engine file
  9. way 1. track tennis way 2.The two designers make an individual one and the best one gets smoothed, supported and so on
  10. Ok, we will make a coaster the first way and then when thats finished make another one the second way and see which way is better. The first coaster will be a B&M
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