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Posts posted by bull24471

  1. I am not repeating any rumors or here say but I think Kidsville will be next to be updated and have a makeover. Like what was said before there are rides there as old as I am and I am now 39. Heck next time I am back home see if Mom still has some Pics of me riding those jeeps and such. I did notice the other week the kids swings where gone . Just hope it isn't just a signs and paint job deal and here you go folks.

  2. ^ On opening day and the following Saturday this season the line stretched out of the station, down the stairs, and down that straight path. That was early spring days too, so it will of course get that long (if not longer) on nice summer Saturdays, Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day weekends.


    I personally think all these new rides on the Fast Lane are an advantage because they can market them to families as well as thrill seekers. Plus, this will spread out the Fast Lane users on 15 rides instead of 10. And so what if they only skip a 10-15 minute line? They are still getting what they paid for by front of the access line on those 15 rides. I believe the park is just adding the attractions that it is easy to add a Fast Lane entrance to on the list. Maybe if Fast Lane is a success this season, we will see more Fast Lane entrances built this offseason for rides like Anaconda, Grizzly, and Shockwave. They probably don't want to clog up there narrow exit ramps with Fast Lane users.

    Was at work earlier thinking of that same thing. As I said before if someone wants to pay $55 for a fast lane then so be it. In my own opinion a way for a passer by that is on there way to there vacation to get a good amount of rides in on one day instead of making a 2 day event out of it.

  3. I think there looking out for the patron now more than the bottom line. I just looked at the pricing online for the fast lane and it drops $5 for every fast lane you buy. So if you buy lets say 4 online it is only $35 per person . Not a bad deal at all. As far as the Swings being added in my opinion it is to add to the fast lane list to make it more appealing to all ages or families. Just my thoughts.....

  4. Was at KD on Sunday 4/15 and it was great, most coasters were a walk on. Even Volcano did not have a long wait. Kudos to the ride op on I-305 who asked for a single rider to fill the front seat with another single rider. She would ask anyone waiting for the front first, then asked anyone in the queue. Got to ride in the front twice without waiting.


    Does anyone know why Back Lot is only running the white car right now? The blue and red cars were no where to be seen. This caused a pretty long line Sunday afternoon, so my daughter and her friend decided not to wait.






    When we went on opening weekend backlot only had white train running with red on the storage track while blue was nowhere to be seen,I guess it's early in the season so they're still trying to get rides up to capacity but backlot has been having rollbacks lately.


    As of last Saturday the 14th red was not on the storage and on another park site some one said they saw parts of blue laying under the ride. I didn't see it anywhere but will say this Backlot is a fun coaster and I hope they can get all 3 trains running this summer.

  5. I got 31 rides on Intimidator with the longest a 2 train wait!


    SO JEALOUS. My visit on Saturday 4/7 I rode it 9 times in a row with walk-ons at first, but then the line got up to about a 5 train wait, so I decided to go get a ride on Windseeker before the crowds really started to come in (the park eventually got packed like the previous day).


    Still, 10 rides over 2 days on Intimidator 305 is a great way to kick off my 2012 coaster season!

    I am jealous of both you I tried the test seat and no green light for me..

  6. I was at the Saturday of opening weeking. I thought Windseeker was a pretty fun ride experience. Also, did anybody that went that day notice one of the Dominator trains were missing.


    I went Monday then Saturday last and not sure if Dominator has 2 or 3 trains but only saw 2 trains on each day. Now there was something covered up on the outside rail in the train house that I saw.....

  7. ^I agree. AtmosFEAR at Morey's Piers in Wildwood, NJ is by far the most intense I've ridden. Drop Tower did not give me the stomach dropping sensation of a lot of smaller towers. I do, however, love the seating design on Drop Tower, and I wish that more drop towers had the capacity of this ride.


    Wanted to ask you how the ticket deal was up there? My girlfriend is origanally from Wildwood NJ and she asked me if I would take her up there. Told her there is a catch I get to go to SFGA ...

  8. Got board so thought I post this Video of The Crypt I shot with my Cell Phone.....





    Did they add a fastlane line to anaconda? it sure looks like some of the anaconda pics were taken from a different angle/location since the main queue is visible in a couple of them.



    I didn't see any Fast Lane signs near Anaconda on my last 2 visits. As far as those pics believe they were either shot in the Que line or at the outdoor eating area right beside the exit for Anaconda . I know I said this before if someone wants to pay $55 to get the fast lane then so be it . I believe there doing this for those just passing thru for a day or on there only trip of the year. I have season passes so I don't see me paying for it unless I go by myself for a day with no kiddos and Girlfriend ...

  9. It has been atleast 4 years since I been down to the park . I am amazed as to what Ceder Fair is doing with the park. I am with you on the 1 train on Backlot but I am also curious on where they have the storage track at on that coaster??? Dominator had alittle Vibration near the end but not bad as people had told me. All together I think I am not going to regret buying 4 season passes.....

  10. Went to KD today and fast pass was really not a big issue from all the rides we rode. I guess if you want to pay the hefty $55 for one person a day It would be a good thing. By the way things ran smoother today than my Monday trip. Backlot running only the white train so line was slow but bearable. As far as everything else most line were less than 10 minutes or less. And I loved Dominator and thanks to you guy's and Gal's for the info on 4th and 5th row seats. As far as 305 no go need to lose some of my tool shed before I can fit in it...

  11. ^ I definitely think that is exactly what the park needs. KidZville is definitely the next section of the park that needs attention and 2013 would be a perfect year to do it. One large, fun, colorful Planet Snoopy like KI and DP have would be awesome here at KD.


    In 2013, it will be time for another "family" attraction since the park got the very thrilling Windseeker this year. KD has typically been alternating every year for the past few years between thrills and family attractions. Plus, a kiddie expansion would be a great addition before 2014, which should definitely be some type of a coaster. Finally, Busch Gardens Williamsburg shouldn't be getting much in 2013 as well since they are spending an estimated 50 million on Verbolten, so the competition won't be getting anything too thrilling to draw the thrill seekers.


    I agree they do need to update and redo the kids area. There are flat rides there still from when I was a little Bull.

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