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Der Der Dongt

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Posts posted by Der Der Dongt

  1. I am not really a "Anti-EGF dude". It´s more that it looks like the Holidaypark doesn´t take care of the coaster very much. Well, I have been on only a little over 100 coasters so far, but I like for example Maverick a lot better than EGF. It is still a good ride though, but it was a even better one back in 2005. Since then it kind of looks like it´s getting rougher and slower every year. Maybe the Holidaypark prepared Geforce pretty good for you visit or this is the answer why they only run one train even if the line is longer than 45 min. I don´t know, but since you all say the coaster was awesome during your trip it looks like I have got to stope by the next time you visit Germany and experience EGF TPR style. I would really like to meet you guys someday anyway.

    Right now I am looking forward to visiting Hershey, SFA, BGE, KD, CP, KI and SF St.Louis next and the following week. So yeah, if there is anyone in those Parks wearing a tpr shirt I will definitely stop by and say hi.

  2. Hi again! I got another question. I bought a Cedar Fair Platinum Pass online at the Kings Island website, because I thought we would be going there first.

    Now, is it possible to get the pass processed at Kings Dominion or does it have to be done at Kings Island?

  3. Hi everyone!

    For my "small" 2008 US tour i would need to rent a car from a place near the Baltimore airport. The problem is, me, and the friend of mine who is coming along with me, are 19 and 20 years old. So does somebody know a company which gives rental cars to people from Europe that are under the

    age of 21?


    Thanks in adcance

  4. Hi everyone! I have got some questions about how to get to some parks the best way without using a car. Ok first of all, does anybody know if it is possible to go from New York to Dorney Park and back the same day by public transportation and still have enough time there to get all the credits? ( in August)

    And is there any public transportation from Richmond to Bush Gradens Europe and Kings Dominion?

    I am really thankful for any good answer.

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