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Der Der Dongt

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Posts posted by Der Der Dongt

  1. I think Maverick should be up a little higher as well as Griffon.


    ^ No, no. I meant what I said. Most of these parks only open the coasters one day out of the year and we always schedule our visits on that day. In fact, I believe Everland has ONLY opened Eagle's Fortress on the day we are there and in fact closed it to the general public on our day, so for the year of 2008, the ONLY riders were the TPR members!


    Same thing with Atlantis Adventure and Kawasemi. Korea and Japan have some very strict maintenance laws and each of those coasters has to be totally demolished and re-built from scratch every year so there are only about 6 operating days (if you're lucky) which you can ride each one.


    I'm pretty sure there not many more people than the ones who have taken the Mitch Hawker poll have ridden these coasters.


    I absoultely meant what I said. No need to try to correct me.




    That's really interesting. How can you possible make money off operating a park like that? It sounds like maintenance over there costs a lot more than the ride actually draws people into the park and it's just not worth the effort.

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