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Der Der Dongt

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Posts posted by Der Der Dongt

  1. You should have some aspirin with you or something else to prevent a headache.

    That helped me a lot when I rode Diamondback 81 times in one day last summer.

    It was a really hot day but since you will be riding Bizarro early in the season that should not be a problem.

    I really think the soundtrack will be your biggest problem.

    good luck!It's not as hard as it sounds!

  2. I still think they ruined a coaster that could have been my new #1

    Same as with Maverick, if the ride had MF style lapbars, it would probably be the best one out there in my opinion.

    Intamin really should design new lapbars for the US that allow bigger people to ride.

    They are not unsafe or something, after all Intamin still used the old restraints on the mega lites and other lapbars on El Toro and Bizarro.

  3. Yes, we will use a park hopper pass and yes, we just want to hit those rides because to me they seem to be the most interesting ones. I am usually not really into non coaster rides except for drop towers.

    What do you think would be the best ride to start with and the best order throughout the day?

  4. Hi!

    I just came across your Florida TR an really enjoyed it since I will be visiting Orlando for the first time may 17 till may 24.

    Now I have a question. We will do Disney on fr the 21st because the park will be open till 11. This will be our only day at disney because it's simply way too expensive. We would like to do the following rides while at the park and would be thankful for anyones opinion on if this is doable.


    Mission space

    Expedition Everest

    Primeval Whirl

    Tower of Terror

    Rock#n Rollercoaster

    Big Thunder Mountain

    Space Mountain

  5. Ok, I checked it and you're right, the advisory is 130. Well, that's what you get from not caring about it, if there is no speed limit, I just hit the gas pedal

    The left lane is for passing only and it is illegal to pass on the right lane.

    I noticed that traffic over here in germany is basically a lot more aggressive than it is in the usa.

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