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Der Der Dongt

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Posts posted by Der Der Dongt

  1. It is always very busy in August. Expect long lines. Posaidon usually has a around 70 min wait during the Summer.

    Make sure you are inside the entrance area not later than 8:40. Try to get as close to the gate as possible. When they open it at 9:00 run to silverstar like everyone else and make sure you are fast enough to get on one of the first trains. After that I would continue to Posaidon followed by Euromir. Once you are done there you might be able to get one or two more rides in the back of the park before it really fills up.


    The lines are usually getting a little bit better around Lunchtime between 12 and 2.

    Also the waiting times for Silverstar and Eurosat really go down big time in the afternoon.

    Most people want to do their last ride of the day on Silverstar which means the queue for it fills up again like one or two hours before the park closes.

  2. Ok

    Another question, we will be staying at Days Hotel in Hounslow, according to the tfl.gov journey planner engineering works will be taking place early in the morning from the 13 till the 30 of June.


    "Buses are expected to experience delays due to lane restrictions and temporary traffic light control during Victorian water main replacement work at the junction of High Street Brentford and Augustus Close from 0800 Monday 13 until 1700 Thursday 30 June."


    Therefore I would have to take Bus N9 from Hounslow West to Green Park Underground in order to get to London Euston.

    Now how bad are these delays usually? I don't want to risk missing the train at Euston so would it be enough if I took the bus leaving Hounslow at 5:52 and arriving at Green Park at 5:59 ?


    That day trip turns out to be way more complicated than I expected.



    Ok I could take the underground but would arrive at 6:12 with the train departing at 6:24

    Is that doable?

  3. Hey everyone!


    I will be going to London next week (from thursday till tuesday) and would like to visit Alton Towers. One of my friends used an virgin trains ticket which includes train services from London, bus services from Stoke-on-Trent and admission all for a very good price. Now I couldn't find a deal like this online so hopefully someone of you London area locals can help me out with this. Are there still those kinds of special offers and if yes, where?

    Otherwise I am probably not going to visit the park since 90 Pounds are too much for only the roun dtrip train ticket without anything else.

  4. 150ft lol

    That construction height restriction really sucks.


    What I find it interesting that the seat suspensions are really different from the ones on previous Star Flyers.


    I believe its because the first ones had single seats, and we a version with tandem seats. I think.....


    The prototype had single seats only but all the other ones after that got the tandem seats but kept the original suspension.

    It seems like the seats are now lower with these extra chains than on previous ones.

  5. I don't get how hydraulic launch and inverted coaster is supposed to work out. If you take a look at the TTD launchtrack you will notice that the supports and area underneath it look really dirty and disgusting.

    Now imagine all that grease form the catchcar (to me it looked like there is way more than on a regular inverter chain lift) and the water used for cooling the (evil Intamin) cable dripping down on the passengers.

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